im soooo worried!! help please! ;(

edited August 2011 in Babies
ok so i went to my babies app yesterday and the doctor said she thought my baby had jaundice and she sent my to get his blood drawn and she said that when she got the test back she was gonna call me and she hasnt! im so worried bc he hasnt peed in like 2 days. and the white of his eyes r turning yellow. i called the doc and she didnt pick up so i left a message.. can this kill my baby i no i sound crazy but im just so worried ftm if u caint already tell.. but idk wat to do.. have any of yall ladies been through this? did everything turn out good with ur babies? help please im going crazy here.. btw im breastfeeding him :-((


  • Are you a first time mom? I was told by the doctor that since the diapers are absorbant you can't tell if the baby peed. Put some tissue in his diaper so he will wet it to see if he is peeing. If not, I would take him to the emergency room right away because not peeing for two days is a very bad sign
  • Put him by the window and let the light shine in on him a little. In just a diaper. Of course be sure not to leave him to long. The not peeing would worry me. But no news from the doc is good news. Keep us updated
  • Well most babies experience jaundice. It is a condition from the liver and lack of vitamin D. But no worries sweetie, ur baby will be very good. Just take him out for a 20 minute walk in the sun which is more vitamin d for him, and place child should be peeing every 2 hours or less. But put a tissue and see how it goes.
  • Bentley had Jaundice for 2 weeks. Put his swing by a window and let him swing with just a diaper on, several times a day. And has he been pooping? Jaundice is from the liver not taking out all the bilirubin his body is producing. Pooping, helps get the bilirubin out. But it's very normal in newborns and goes away in a few weeks most likely. If his levels get too high, they may admit him into the hospital and put him in a photo therapy bed to bring it down but that's only if they get really high. I'm sure he'll be fine :) Bentley's going to be 4 weeks on Saturday and is Jaundice free :D
  • The sun helps with that. But I would take him to the er if he hasn't peed in 2 days
  • @everyone thanks everyone for the information so the doctor called like 30 min ago and said that the levels werent that high just to keep an eye if he turns more yellow or if he doesnt eat to call so she can check him again.. and to put him by the window so he can get sunlight.. he just peed 3 times soo im happy he is doing better :) thanks everyone :*
    @BentleysMommy im happy ur lil one is doing good :)
  • Thank you! I hope your little one's levels go down in a few days!
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