OOOOOOH My husband just pissed me the hell off!!!!!

I really need to get this off my chest...not really looking for advice....

So he's deployed in Afghanistan and has been there since Feb. He's been askin me for these watches that he found online for a few weeks now. We don't share accounts, but we both contribute to whatever we need. ANYWAY ....The watches were like $200 A PIECE AND HE WANTS 3!!!!! Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but he's asking for them at the absolute wrong time. I don't work and haven't been working since March, I'm still school shopping because my kids go back to school on the 25th, I have to put a ton of groceries in the house for when my oldest daughter comes home, guests that come over to see the baby (my mom, and possibly him if he makes it in time). I know I'll spend over $400 on groceries.

So he called me this morning and was asking if I got the watches and I told him NO, I'd get them after I got all the IMPORTANT stuff out of the way. So he throws me under the bus, which is totally uncalled for. He says I'm his wife and he never asks for s***. He shouldn't have to beg me to do this for him. Bla Bla Bla....

My question is how the hell you gonna get mad at me because I'm prioritizng??? My kids come before watches!!!! And where the hell are you wearing these watches to?????You are in a war fool and will be until next Feb!!!!! I am so aggravated and I didn't want to wake up to this BS today. We never get into it, and the one time we do it's over some damn watches.

Then after he sends me on this guilt trip..He says well I just bought them....Well if you had the money and you see that I have sooooooo much s*** going on, why didn't you just get them yourself in the first place? ...He has definately pissed me off today X(


  • Yeah. That would piss me off, too. Sorry, hun.
  • Woooow. That's crazy but yea. Those things would have to wait. Of he got them himself what was the need of asking you to get them?
  • Sorry mama...ugh men sometimes! I have a question...why does he need 3? Is he wearing one per arm and one ankle?
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  • @blueberrysmom ....Thanks

    @valentinasmommy ....Cuz he a damn fool!!!!

    @mommyo3soon2b4 ...I have no idea...just foolish ~X(

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  • because hes a man.. and dont you know we wives are "personal secretaries" jk.. but seriously some of the shit.. my man wants me to do is like.. uh .. really.. like i dont have enough crap to do durring the day.. now i have to run your arrends with two whinny kids.. ugh.. sorry girl.. just chalk it up as him wanting you to do something simply cause he wanted to not have to do it himself..
  • @mama0811 ...I told him I'd get them after I got all this other stuff out of the way. He's not compromising with me!!! I think that was the half way point by even agreeing to get them in the first place. He needs to realize some things are more important than his facsination with watches
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  • yep... that's ridiculous. first of all 3 watches is a little excessive. second they are really freakin expensive. and third you were on the right track- prioritizing. you never said he couldn't have them...just make sure you get the necessities out of the way. L-)
  • @mama0811 @survivormommie3 ....thank you...i just want to slap the back of his head right now... lol
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