My friend just lost her baby!!
This is so crazy & so sad...she ended up going to the hospital cause she was having really bad cramps...they told her at the hospital that it was nothing & sent her soon as she got home, she went into labor & ended up having the baby at her house!!! The baby ended up dying before she could make it back to the hospital!!! She was due October 20 so there was a big chance that the baby coulda made it had they let her stay at the hospital...I'm so mad right can I help her??? Can we pursue any legal actions???
I'm sure there is legal action that could be taken. That is something that could've been avoided and I think the hospital and on call doc should be held liable.
I know suing them wont bring her baby back, but it may give her a little more justice for completely ignoring symptoms...
Best wishes to your friend.. so sorry she is having to go through this...
Also she will need a lot of help. Its so hard to lose a baby that late you go through all the motions. Your milk comes in. The bleeding goes on for weeks. Just try to be there for her and help to make sure she takes it easy. I am so sorry for her loss it is devistating.
to everybody else, thank you so much 4 the prayers! i work at a law firm so im getting all the assistance i need from them to guide me in the right direction...thank you 2 all :X