Pulled or torn round ligament...SO PAINFUL!
I am 28.5 wks and started cramping in my lower right stomach and back 2 nights ago. It lasted all day yesterday and then I started vomiting. My nurse had me lay on my left side for an hour and drink lots of water. The pain still did not subside, but my princess was just as active as always so I wasn't sure if I needed to go in. After throwing up several times after my husband got home, he insisted we go in just in case. They checked my urine, I wasn't dehydrated and my kidneys and bladder looked good. So they hooked me to an IV and gave me zofran and stadol. Stadol is the greatest. It brought instant relief to my pain. They ran blood tests and everything came back fine, so they decided that I have either pulled or torn a round ligament and that the vomiting was pain induced. Has anyone else done this? How long did it take you to heal?
Ask your ob to presribe you tylenol 3? It works good. That's what
they gave my sister for her back pain through pregnancy and they
gave it to me at the hospital after I had my son for my pain from
my uterus contracting, getting back to normal. Hope you feel better!