DONE being pregnant!

Im miserable!!! I can never get comfortable. My back and sides always hurt. I can't get up from bed or the couch. I have braxton Hicks everyday. Shes measuring two weeks big and her head is 3 weeks big. She's got no room in there, so her movements hurt to the point that I'm about in tears. I get a burning/tingly feeling at the top of my belly. I've had cramping the past two days. I get bad ligament pain when I turn in bed. Last week I was having contractions every 4-6 minutes, but then they stopped. I just want this little girl out!!! Meh. :(


  • Ooo noo! : (
    When's your due date ?
    I'm 38weeks tomorrow & I feel the same way ..I'm hanging in there though.
  • Im 37 weeks baby measuring at 38. Im soo done too! Im too little and god decided to bless him with his daddys legs :( LOL ithurts. I havent got no contractions and im zero dilated!
  • me toooo minus all the pain!! just want her here..I'm due next fri!!! shes measuring 2w ahead like always.
  • Totally understand, in the past 2 weeks i've had a uti,yeast infection, sinus infection, pharangutis, and now strep throat. Along with my dear lily trying to beat her way out.
  • @singlesexy1sttimemom I'm 36 1/2 weeks.

    @naliibby yeah, my little girl has been measuring two weeks big since 20 weeks. My original due date was August 24...I'm starting to think that's my real due date and not September 6th.
  • I'm due in 4 weeks and I can't wait until he's out! My knees and back hurt so bad that sometimes I can't even move. It's so hard to get comfortable. :( I'm also really sleep deprived which makes me grumpy. Poor husband! He's so patient with me. :)
  • Hang in there lady! I'm getting pretty sore too..same with the contractions, sometimes there close enough to go in but they always stop if I change positions so I guess there not the real deal just yet :( were gonna go take (hopefully) the last of the belly pics tonight and go for a long walk. At least I'm hoping it will ware me out enough that I can sleep and at most, let's break this water already lol. We can do this mama!! Stay strong!!
  • @momtob I'm trying to hang in there. Its just so hard!! Break the water, hell yeah! I got an exercise ball to bounce on, lol. Thanks for the positive words!!
  • I've got 6 weeks left an I'm so fed up being pregnant! I'm so uncomfortable and miserable, I ache an I've had to start admitting I can't do things any more like I used too! I think most of it is where I'm so excited but I wish I could get comfortable an sleep!!
  • situation is very similar. my first due date was sept9 then sept 8, then sept 7 then sept 6. That was in the first few weeks- around 26 wks they said my due date was aug 30....then at 28 wks they say aug 24. So we are going with the middle-- august 30. well, at 36 wk appt and then this week at my 37 wk appt she was measuring 4 wks ahead! I am so sore and exhausted I want to cry.
  • @survivormommie3 oh, wow you've had a lot of due dates. Yeah, I'm just going to go with the August dd now, cause I just wanna be done!
  • @momtob I'm trying to hang in there. Its just so hard!! Break the water, hell yeah! I got an exercise ball to bounce on, lol. Thanks for the positive words!!
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