Measuring Large for Dates

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I'm now 33wks 3 days, but at my drs appt yesterday I was measuring 36 wks. I had an ultrasound this morning and baby us measuring between 36 & 37 wks and weighs approximately 6lbs. Anyone else measuring big and if so did ur Dr change ur due date this late in ur pregnancy???


  • I'm 35+1 and I started off measuring only a wk ahead and now I'm measuring about 2 wks ahead. They didn't change my date. I'm guessing I'm just having a big baby. I think when you measure more than 4wks ahead is when they are concerned. Not entirely sure on that part honestly.
  • i'm measuring big, at 30 weeks I was measuring 33 weeks my Dr says she's not concerned with his weight or anything so I still have the same due date and as of now she doesn't see why I shouldn't deliver vaginally :)
  • I am 27 weeks measuring 33! eeeeek! have an apt on the 23rd to find out more and get a proper sizing scan, guess they will just induce me early if they hink hes gonna be too mega!
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