38 weeks tomorrow .. I am so done being prego

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I don't feel like I'm about to go in labor anytime soon. I want to make it to 40 weeks .. but my body hurts SO bad when I sleep. My hands swell, my calves hurt. And I have diarrhea like three times a day !! Help !! Anyone in the same boat ?


  • Im sore too hun... but im having a c-section the 24th.... have u tried some of the labor foods?!
  • I'm on the same boat!!! I'm 38+1 and soooo done! Dr said I can be induced at 39weeks and I'm seriously thinking about going ahead with it. I've had diarrhea for a week now! My dr said its a sign of labor but still nothing :\ .. my feet swell up, I've been sleeping on the couch for the past month bc my bed is too high and I'm too fat to roll off of it and everytime I wake up I feel like someone beat my pelvis with a bat!
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