please any advice for a cranky baby!!? im losin it.

I had a very bad labor and was hospitalized for a week after delivery in isolation not able to be around my baby or 3yrold due to complications with epidural that led to huge problems..but so much stuff piled up and i ended up with ppd..
Soooo neways I feel like a horrible mother like it took me 3weeks to connect with my newborn..she will be 4wks sunday.She cries constantly i dont make enough milk for her and sometimes have to give her formula (which i hate) my son was So easy and calm and fully breastfed for 16months.I dont know how to handle my daughter and I hate myself bc i cant handle her and it takes forever to sooth her! My husband doesnt like her bc she cries so much.I love her to death and have wanted her for a long time,my first baby was a stillborn little girl.I believe that may be why I didnt connect with this baby bc i was scared of losing her and we both almost died during labor so that was hard on me too.neways this was more than i intended on posting,im just looking for help on soothing her!


  • She can tell when your stressed. Just try to relax. Cuddle with her and rock her. Maybe try singing her a soft song. Don't feel bad about giving her formula, some babies just don't take to the breast. Good luck sweetie.
  • Love. That's my answer. When my babys cranky and not hungry ill just hold her and rock her. Even if she's still cranky or crying ill hold her closer. Otherwise a bath her and then cuddling.
  • sometimes some soft music can help both you and the baby. Take a deep breath and think of all the blessings this baby girl will bring to your life. After that I'm sure you'll have enough patience to recognize what she needs. Good luck and congrats on making it through a rough birth.
  • well part of the soothing is for you momma. she can feel when you are tense. sing to her, talk to her, even if she is crying or just a mess. as far as feeding, it's ok if you have to supplement, there's nothing wrong with that. in fact, it's great you can see that she needs more and you are making sure she gets it. the other fact is that you need to see you CAN do this and you CAN make her feel better. she could have acid reflux or colic, and that in itself is rough to deal with. have you tried/ can you try propping her when she sleeps? we have a bassinet that i had little knowledge of until after my youngest that you can prop the head of it if baby needs it for some reason. mylicon drops can also help wtih acid reflux or gas. hold her when she is NOT crying so that she feels the connection as well. and it's not too late to try the "kangeroo hold"= you can unbutton/take off shirt and put her skin to skin. she wont need clothes on, usually just a diaper, or all butt naked, and you can take off your bra if you are comfortable and just chill together for a little while. wrap in a blanket and talk to her. some of this could be a battle of your mind too. you're scared or stressed therefore you need to convince yourself that half the battle is realizing you DO know how to do this and you will get through it!
  • Thankyou all for your advice..i have tried pretty much everything you all have suggested! :) we pretty much stay skin2skin,i give her gas drops,i sing to her,do the baths..with lavender wash&lotion,i hold her almost all the time bc when i lay her down she just cries and gets really mad.we have 2bouncy seats with vibrations music ect..and a swing.She wont take to any of them.I have got her to nap twice in her basinet propped up on 1 of her boppys.she sleeps propped up in my bed.i have always been a co-sleeper and i just started sleeping this week with the fear of her not breathing keeping me wide awake since we came home,i take naps during the day while her daddy can keep an eye on her as she naps with me if i hold her lol.but most of my days are spent with her in my arms crying :/
  • She may have colic. Ive heard catnip tea works for that but idk for sure.. I hope it passes soon. Its so stressful when they cry alot
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