pain free

edited August 2011 in Giving birth
Hypno Birthing. It was just on my local news. There's a book the monogon method. 5 weekly classes with hypnotism and then afterwards you can self hypnotize. You start off imagining how long you want your birth/labor to last...

Sorry if this was choppy but I was trying to touch type while the bit ran on the tv lol just thought id let some of you mamas know


  • Has it worked on anyone?
  • @jcmommy they only showed one interview with a local woman (I live in nj) who gave birth 3 months ago using that technique and said compared to her first time 6 years ago, she would give birth everyday lol. There was an another woman interviewed but she was more of a senior citizen, I thought at first she was the "morogon" person but I heard her saying "you get an epidural!" in a tone that came across as if anyone who didn't was a fool :/
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