early signs of labor?
I am still 3 weeks away from my due date. But somethings just doesn't feel right. I have been so tired this week like can't keep my eyes open. A lot of pressure and lower back pain with more inner thigh cramping. Nothing timeable no bloody show or loss of mucus plug. Something just doesn't feel right? No need for me to go hospital or worry just wondering if some of you ladies had any similar symptoms the weeks leading to labor. I think maybe my body is just getting ready but it has been so long I don't remember the details. I need more time still!
if you dont want to go i would say you are just prepping for labor. your body can take the 3+ weeks left to get ready, or you can go into labor tomorrow. it's ok!
@cait_septembermommy that's how I am a full nights rest then a nap and still in bed early! I know my lil man is head down breathing recently got very hard. All this sleeping and bh just makes me wonder if my body is getting me ready for the what in store the in the weeks ahead. All I remember from last time is I was fine then I was in full blown labor. So excited for september!
@survivormommie3 nothing that would warrant a doctor visit just yet. Have felt so great though lately I guess little guy is gonna make up for it these next few weeks now that I am carrying an infant! 3 weeks I can't believe it went by this quick. Back to crazying nesting I go