what to pack in the hospital bag??

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm in my 3rd trimester, and I'm thinking about what I need t pack for the hospital bag for baby and me as well. :).. I have an idea just don't want to forget annnnythinng!


  • I packed an outfit 2 come home from the hospital n 2 pairs of socks tooth brush tooth paste soap deodorant and a hair brush and 4 the baby 2 outfits and 2 recieving blankets and a thicker blanket cause its cold n the hospital mittens and booties/socks. Dont forget a camra lol.

  • o and breast pads
  • They give u pads at the hospital big ones that almost feel like diapers and normal ones 4 when u stop bleeding so much
  • Bring your own pillow because the hospital ones arm very comfy!!
  • Don't forget hair ties,phone charger...

    Bertrang..that's a good idea!

  • A lil make up too. Gotta cover up those dark circles under the eyes! I also brought some flavord tea bc the hospital only had the regular kind (yuck) and didn't. Like coffee.
  • Bring TWO chapsticks, just in case you lose one. That was the only thing I wanted while in labor, I would've traded my husband in for chapstick!
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