BD's not gonna like this...

Btw, I apologize for how long this is...

He went camping today for a friend's bachelor party. He was staying the night some hour and a half away, then driving straight to work in the morning. I've been super stressed all day. We have had nights apart, like while I'm visiting family, but it feels way worse during pregnancy... I'm so clingy! And also because I'm home alone. Haven't had that happen yet.

Anyway, we were fighting this morning. The kind where my blood starts pumping and I'm begging him to get away from me or let me get away from him so I can calm down, which he never wants to do. He feels like smothering me with love, when I just need to relax and breathe. So that makes it worse, all the while, I freak out even more, and then slapping and kicking him off the bed ensues...

We finally calmed down, and talked. About an hour before he had to meet everyone, we started the make up sex. Then he had to shower and leave and it was all very rushed with goodbyes and stuff.

So all day, I was basically begging people to hang out with me. Anything. Just SOMETHING! That went nowhere. I was trying to ask my sister if I could spend the night so I wouldn't be alone, but she didn't answer her phone, like always. People suck sometimes. Having no friends is horrible, and I really feel it on days like this. Most of my days are spent sitting at home alone until BD gets home from work at night. Then when he gets home, I'm exhausted just a couple hours later and need to go to sleep.

Oh yes, the sleeping situation...

So I have been sleeping on the couch downstairs for about the last month. It all started with having trouble sleeping on our uncomfortable bed. Then we got an ant problem. They started by coming in through the walls. Eventually we found another spot they were coming in at on another wall. They were all over our room. Then ants started showing up on our bed. And having them crawl on me while laying in bed was the breaking point. This girl can only have so many panic attacks in one week before something's gotta change.

(I have a history of issues with ants, plus the traps that we have are really poisonous... I was really ridiculously freaking out, and it was happening frequently.)

But, that was just the breaking point. So many other little things were making me crazy. The ants were the icing on the cake... that crappy icing they put on premade cakes at the store unless you specifically ask for butter cream. Yeah, that icing. I digress...

So it came to the point of me sleeping on the couch. In the last month, I've probably slept upstairs with BD maybe 3 or 4 times, maximum. He really hates it. So do I...

In the last few days, I've slept up there with him twice. My brain had finally calmed down, I haven't been twitching as much at the sight of quick movement or any black spots, or rubbing my skin profusely if I feel something tickle me or make me itch. Since BD set up traps around the ant entrances to the room, things have slowly improved. It took me awhile to see that. And absolutely no food is to be upstairs. Not even water. Cus apparently, they loooooove water (flashback to me about the take a sip from my water bottle and BAM, I notice they were crawling on the lip).

And just in case anyone asks, we actually had a fight over me wanting to have a terminator come in for the huge ant problem (they're everywhere in the house, basically. Especially downstairs. Our bedroom was something new). I wanted him to call our landlord and let her know the situation and see what she thought should be done. I really wanted it taken care of before the baby gets here. I don't want freaking ants crawling all over him! He just thought I was being silly. Well she finally called back the next day and said "Oh, yeah, just leave traps. We had a terminator come in years ago for the ant problem but they just came back." No shit they just came back, you're supposed to have the terminator come back every couple of months for maintainance. Smdh. Needless to say, I lost that fight.

So a little while ago this evening, I decided I wanted to sleep upstairs. I feel safer. I was laying down and browsing on my phone, soon to be asleep, when BD calls. He says he's on his way home early, and tells me a little of how camping went. Apparently his non drinking friend got... well, super drunk. Which I would have enjoyed seeing. He's a youth pastor. :P And apparently the other guys forgot to bring the poles for the tent, so they're sleeping on a sheet of tarp. Sounds like an awesome good time. Lol. He sounded a little relieved to be coming home, as he has to work. I was relieved because I would soon be cuddling up to my boo bear. :)

But oh wait, cut to me a few minutes later on my phone on Pregly and a huge ant crawls across the screen. Phone gets thrown to the floor. Expletive, expletive, expletive. I go turn on the light, get the chills, wipe off my phone, and go back downstairs.

This will never end. Ahhhhhhhhggggggg I never want to see another ant in my entire life! I feel like I've said that a million times in the last 9 months.

Needless to say, we're going to get in another disagreement about me not wanting to sleep upstairs again when he gets home shortly. Just like every single night. I feel bad cus he probably feels like he was getting somewhere with me finally, and I even thought so too. It hurts not being able to feel comfortable sleeping up there. But along with the uncomfortable, tiny, full-sized bed, and his horrible sleep habits and online gaming while I'm trying to sleep, and him rolling on top of me in the middle of the night, and the extra stress of him complaining about things before he falls asleep, I just can't sleep up there anymore. Even without the ants, I couldn't sleep at all at night before. It was basically me waiting for him to wake up every morning to go to work so I could finally have room on the bed to sleep.

I don't know how to fix things. I don't know how to get my anxiety under control after being off my mess (I've dealt with depression most of my 21 years, but in the last couple of years, it's been different and way harder to handle). I feel like I'm not in control of anything anymore, and it's eating me up inside. This whole sleeping apart thing is picking at our relationship. But baby and I need some sleep. Desperate. So desperate.

Ugh, I think he's pulling up now. Here goes........ =/

He was tired, and not very happy. I feel really crappy about this...

And I don't know what this post is for, mainly to just get things off of my chest and hope someone offers something helpful. But this is definitely not for anyone to tell me to suck it up about the ants. Not helpful at all.

Thanks. And happy Saturday, everyone.


  • I definately feel ya on the sleeping situation. My fianceé and I have a full size bed & he can be a real bed hog at times. I wake up at least twice a night to shove him up against the wall so I can get some room. And, being BIG & pregnant isn't helping the cause any. I've learned to stay up a few hours longer than him & sleep in later so I can get a few hours of ACTUAL sleep. He understands it, thank God. Maybe you should try something like that? It definately beats sleeping on the couch or having disagreements about it. :)
  • Call the exterminator yourself and try craigslist for a bigger mattress and frame! They're usually very reasonably priced :)
  • @babymcbride8_27 that's basically what I was doing. Except, I would want to sleep at midnight. I'd fall asleep. He's still up on the computer cus he "never gets any leisure time." I wake up from him making noise maybe an hour or two later, if I'm lucky. I'm wide awake, can't go back to sleep. He gets tired, then comes to bed, and he's out. I'm stuck being awake and just laying there for hours. Get so exhausted around 6 to 8am and finally fall asleep. BD gets up for work at 8:30. I would sleep in until 11 to 2pm. Start the process again. The upside of the couch has been that I FINALLY got back to a normal sleep schedule. And it's more comfortable with the growing bump... and no springs to jab into me.

    @bentleysmommmy We can't afford it on our own. Landlord would be paying for it. But seeing as how it's not that big of a deal to anyone but me...

    BD keeps saying he'll get us a bigger bed so I can sleep upstairs, but I keep telling him not to, and if one magically shows up at our door one day, I'm never sleeping upstairs again. We're currently negative on our monthly budget and trying to cut corners anywhere we can find them. =/

    Thanks ladies. It can't go on like this forever...
  • I agree that the ants have to go!!! I hate ants as well but not quite as bad as my hobby. Have you tried looking for an all natural type of bug spray one that is safe for you and baby? Just spray the area where they are comin in at every couple of days. It helped our issue out big time...
  • edited August 2011
    @adensmommy0803 BD said he was going to wipe down the base boards (where they travel) with bleach and spray vinegar anywhere they've been seen, especially in the carpet and up the walls. All we have is a shopvac and I certainly can't lug that thing upstairs, but he can! Even when I asked him to just bring it upstairs so I can use it, he didn't. He also has a bunch of papers and boxes and electronic equipment in the middle of the room that need to go. He DID start cleaning, and moved a substantial amount of clutter out of the room. But that was a few weeks ago.

    When he got home a bit ago he said he was sorry that it happened and that he'd clean tomorrow. I doubt he will though. He's always in a cruddy, cranky, tired mood when he gets home from work.
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  • @tricesbaby Yeah, that's where bleach and white vinegar comes into play. Concerned about the carpet, so I think continuing to vacuum and getting some vinegar on there will help. Yay two smells I hate. I've also heard dish soap, too. Cucumber peels? Interesting... Hmm. I just bought one the other day.. lol.
  • @tricesbaby Aww. Thanks! That's a lot more than what I thought we could do. Next time I don't feel like puking, i'll get some pepper down on the window sill in the kitchen. I've been noticing bigger ants in the kitchen recently. Haven't had the guts to try to figure out where those ones are going. Haven't seen them near food...

    I've worked super hard to keep the pantry free of anything unsealed. Our roommate always leaves his stuff open. So I... throw it away. Bwahahaha. Shhh, don't tell. They only crawl up to the top shelf now. Everything is closed up there so I'm gonna have to climb on something and take a look to see what they're going after.

    Ahhh freaking ants.
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  • @tricesbaby

    I love you. Period.

    Gonna forward to BD too.
  • edited August 2011
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  • Ok, girl where do u live we gotta get u a vacuum! I got an extra but it prob. Won't help much... have you herd of It's a yahoo thing where people give away free items they no longer want but don't want to trash. You wouldn't believe some of the awesome stuff I've gotten!!! And you can do a wanted add on it. So ur not just waiting around for someone to offer a vacuum.
  • edited August 2011
    @adensmommy0803 I have never heard of it, but will definitely be checking it out! Thank you!

    In WA btw.
  • Darn I'm in KS. :( and no problem. Hope you get some good stuff.
  • I don't want to sound harsh but if he wanted you to sleep with him he would get an exterminator. Or at least put cornmeal around the house. So gross. What if the walked through the poison and then walked all over you.
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    Oh, hey, so apparently I can't win. I just had a spider crawl on me a little bit ago. I really hope I got rid of it....

    Amazingly, we rarely have spiders in the house. Which is so nice. We had HUGE ones at our last place that would crawl across the floor every 5 seconds...
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  • @usmcwifemommy101107 Lol. I was thinking of Terminex... "What do you call someone from Terminex? Ahh, a terminator, that's the word I was looking for." Lol. My brain doesn't seem to be working anymore. :P

    Not even gonna bother changing it... lol.
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  • @tricesbaby Lol. Completely different area of the house. Which is weird. You'd think they'd stay around the ants...

    Normally we don't kill them. There was just no way I could get a cup on it. :(
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  • Salt! Ant's hate salt so sprinkle some along the floorboard's and doors, windows. Should clear them out.
  • yeah i let the daddy long leggs.. lol stick around a while they kill everthing.. grose but true.. i havent seen one around for a long time though.. a few years.. i wonder if you house is on top of a huge aunt hill cause that sounds like a big infestation
  • @bigtalkingtori can't you deduct the amt of the exterminator from your rent seeing as your landlord won't pay for it even though they have to? Just a thought.
  • @lae3 I can't remember the last time I saw a daddy long legs. We get wolf spiders, grass spiders (we had a ton of those at our last house), brown recluse, and black widows, among others. I miss living in the desert... :/

    I haven't checked out that wall of the house. It's all super tall grass and weeds. There's a huge crack in the wall in the living room, which makes me think the foundation is cracked, and BD's stepmom thinks the wood is rotted out. Makes complete sense.... I mean, come on. I really hate that our landlord won't do anything about it. That, and they knew they had a previous problem and never told us. It gets complicated beyond that, though. The landlords also happen to be our roommate's parents.

    I hate living here. I want a job, and I want BD to finally get a better paying job where he'll get treated better, and I want to MOVE.

    Plus, baby should have his own room. Lol.
  • @mam082711 it gets complicated because the landlords are our roommate's parents, and I don't think we ever signed a lease. It IS their house... You'd think they'd hop on the opportunity to take care of it.

    They're currently taking out a bunch of loans to finish renovating our side and next door (it's a duplex). It's really pretty, with the work they've done... but, at the same time, I still see it as a shit hole that never got finished (we've been here since last September and they JUST had someone come in and do the plumbing for the downstairs bathroom and got the dishwasher installed in June). And everything is covered in ants. :(
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