Repeat mommies.

edited August 2011 in Second pregnancy
I have question. Im on baby number 3 and im 20w. I had my us yesterday. They said her head is in my pelvis. I have been having pain and presurre down there. I know its just from her being down there. But my question is.... Has anyone had this similer(sp) situation and end up having preterm labor or having baby earlier then edd? Im just curious. I know everyone and every pregnancy is different. But my boys werent this low til shortly before arrival. So I was just wondering if this could be any indication on how the rest is going to go. I know you all can only give opinions and thats what I want. Thank you.


  • I guess no insight? :(
  • This is my third, and although they haven't come out and said she is low in my pelvic I can tell she is and feel a great amount of pressure down there.....I mention to my friend that she could possibly come early bc she doesn't seem to come any higher in my uterus. But at the same time doc has checked me twice and told me that I am closed and my cervix is up....I don't really have an answer for you. Hope this helped a little.
  • oh I maybe I should mention....I am 26 weeks.
  • With my 3rd a boy, he felt so low my whole pregnancy. He caused so much pressure I went to l&d a few times cause it was so intense and scary. I have to have csections and when the Dr went in to take him he was so high, he had to do some extra tugging. So what I wonder is...could it be that its your third bby And your tummy muscles aren't as strong? Could it just feel like more pressure do to a weakening of the body? We are preg with #4 and this is the first one That caused me severe round ligaments pain and my Dr said its cause all the muscles are more stretched and worn from being pregnant so many times.
  • humm. Ya. I agree. Maybe she will just cause me pain and not even attemp coming early. Lol. But I do hope she comes a little early. We will have to just wait and see. Lol.
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