Are you guranteed to get it?

edited August 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
So my dad keeps pressuring me to take the father of my 2 boys and baby girl on the way to court for child support.........he thinks I am being weak because I haven't done it yet. But the reason I haven't is because he is an Alcholic and the reason I left in the first place is because he is giving up on his life! He lost his business, got us in thousands of dollers in tax debt, he lives with his mom (he's 34 yrs old btw) everytime I ask him for money all he does is make excuses. He just doesn't care and can not get his life together, I just don't see how a court order and adding more pressure on him is going to make things better financially for me. I mean if he was doing good and not paying me I would do it in second......but sadly he is not. What should I do????


  • You should get child support. He needs to man up. It might be incentive for him to try to do better financially. Anyway, how he gets the money is not your concern.
  • He should be helping with the needs of the kids.. He has to man up, so I agree with your dad, that guy needs to be placed on child support and help pay for things the kids need since you didnt have sex by your self to concieve them.
  • We'll if you have a court order he has to pay or he couldin up in jail. My step mom is dealing with that with my dead beat dad. He is $22000 back on my brother's and like 60000+ on me and my sister. He is going to jail for the 22000 as soon as they catch him.
  • if he has a job and the court orders him to pay child support then the state give you the weekly child support and then the state takes it from his pay check. if he doesnt have a job for the state to take the weekly support from his check he would have to write a check to the state for the amount. atleast thats how it is where i live. my husband has to pay child support for his daughter that we have 75% of the time and he started a new job so the state doesnt take from his pay check he just writes the state a check every week for the amount. if you take the father of your children to court most likely he will be ordered to pay child support as long as he is proven to be the father of the children. the amount is also based on their income. but good luck with everything. hopefully you get the answers you are looking for
  • Hes getting money somehow for booze. Whether hes earning it or someone's footing the bill (enabling!). I say do it. If he gets any kind of tax refund, that will go to the kids (back child support). I understand your predicament but he's not your concern, those kids are.
  • Thank you everyone..
  • Yep you need to take him to court. I mean even if he doesn't pay and goes to jail then there are programs in there to help him clean up. Good luck mama.
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