ultrasound only showed yolk sac

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm about five weeks five days of course for me this is just an estimate because I just took out my nuva ring on December ninth. I know I ovulated on or around Christmas eve. I went for an ultrasound because I was having ovarian pain... turned out to be cysts. Anyway they saw the gestational sac and the yolk sac but no fetal pole they said it could be too early too see. My concern is a blighted ovum... my hcg levels are rising appropriately and are at 20,729.1. About a week ago they were at 1394. Does anyone think.it could be a blighted ovum. I'm so worried!


  • I had a blighted ovum but if your levels are rising it could be too early to see anything
  • I had a ultrasound because I had really bad pain in my abdomen , and they told me that I had polycystic ovaries ( PCOS ) which is like fertility problems and then a week after I found out I was pregnant , and they didn't sense nothing either x
  • I had a ultra sound when I thought I was 6 weeks they only saw yolk sac and ges sac no baby. When I had 6 wk us with second baby they could see baby but not with this one...i of course was a wreck. They said might be too young to see and that as much as 2 days can make a difference in what you see or dont see. Went back 11 days later to repeat US and there was baby with heart fluttering away :-) they ended up dating me a week younger then thought. Just relax and maybe ask for repeat US if it will help ease your mind. Good luck!
  • Yeah I have my first actual prenatal appointment on Friday. Two days away. I'm just so anxious. I hope they can see the baby by the time I get my next u/s. Thanks for the advice everyone!
  • I was like mnbaby3 but when I went back I had caught up to original age of baby
  • Don't worry its too early and besides that get second and third opinion, I saved my baby of a D&C because of second opinion when I had 6 weeks of pregnancy, now I'm 13 weeks. They told me I had just the yoc and no baby and after two days of this diagnostic I went for second opinion and I saw my baby and his heart beating I got my life back.
  • This is why my bff refuses to do early us bc its common but u get worried for usually no reason
  • Blighted ovum would show nothing but an empty sac, so seeing a geststational and yolk sacs are great signs. At 5weeks 5 days all I saw were 2 empty sacs, a week and a half later I saw 2 tiny babies with heartbeats. Seriously don't worry.its too early to see anything more than what they saw. Don't stress. Its not good for baby. I would ask for an appointment at least a week out from your old one though so you have the best chance of seeing something. Good luck hun

    Momma of 2 kids, 2 miscarriages, and twins on the way
  • What if you only see a sac and a fetal pole but no baby. My ob said it was a blighted ovum but I can't believe that because how can there be a fetal pole but no baby?
  • I thought the fetal pole was what the baby grew into
  • That's what I thought and when I looked it up online I could find nothing that said a fetal pole was a blighted ovum. I remember having bad cramping a couple of weeks before I had my ultrasound but I never had any bleeding so I didn't think anything of it.
  • Id get another u/s I hate when doctors diagnose patients without enough info. The only way to know for sure Is with another u/s. Good luck
  • Fetal pole IS the baby..if fetal pole is there then baby is there. I agree on getting another US..chances are you will see the heart beating if you haven't had any bleeding or painful cramping. Good luck!
  • Thats what i was told too they only show the yolk sac cause I went to the hospital cause I was having pains I justed moved I was moving heavy things around. Mind you this hospital is like the best a.k.a not! They told me the baby was in my tube I had to abroad the baby a.s.a.p cause I can die. Not only the sonogram tech had the prong in me was moving it like she was stiring soup she didn't know wat she was doing. I made a appt with my gyn doc went with my gut feeling. The doc set up a sonogram for me & just like my gut told me they found the baby :-) they would of abroaded my baby for no reason it was just that I was just to early now I'm 12wks & 3 days!
  • Well that was back in june and I did have a miscarriage a couple of weeks later. I got pregnant again in august and now im due in may 2011. But hang in there mandabear as you can see a lot of women had it happen to them and everything was just fine so don't lose hope or faith and get a second opinion because its good if the levels are rising
  • I know exactly what you mean. First day of my last menstral was nov 1st, so my first ultrasound was jan 4th, and they told me all it was was a sac. I should have been ten weeks, but they thought it stopped growing and that it should be removed. :( I waited two weeks. But baby was fine, just ovulated different. Now due aug 26th. Keep your head up! :)
  • U cants see anything other than a sac or yolk til about 7 weeks
  • Just an update I got an ultrasound done today and I saw my baby and its heartbeat! My due date was three days off. I'm exactly six weeks today!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Thanks so much! It was such a relief!
  • Yay mandabear
  • Yayy! Happy for you and congrats! Just wait to feel that baby move!
  • yay! So happy to hear the good news congrats!!
  • Im so glad for you! Congrats!
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