csection ladies...please help?

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
So I had my son on the 12...yesterday. I'm trying real hard to breastfeed him but its hard. He has a hard time latching on. Everytime he latched on he'd eat for a little then stop. Is my milk not ready yet since I gave a week earlier? Or is it normal?


  • With my first my milk didn't come it till late afternoon on day three. Just give it more time and just relax, they can sense your tension.
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  • Thank u ladies for info! I hope my milk does come in faster..don't want him to get use to hospital formula
  • My milk wouldn't come out either right after I had mine .. it took about a day or two and then I couldnst stop it from comming lol ... congrats on the new baby and good luck ;)
  • Dont forget that at first all you produce is colostrum which is only tiny amounts but really filling wk so he is getting enough and just relax and both go at your own pace, I also had my son by c section a week early and I had a few problems but I had an amazing midwife and she helped loads and iv been breast feeding for nearly four weeks and its the best feeling ever! :)
  • I had my lo 2 wks and 3 days early with acsection. The first few days baby just needs a pea sized amount each feeding. My milk came onon day 3, my dd never had formula. Shes 2 months today going strong. Best luck
  • I have had trouble with latching for both of my kids with my first I was introduced to the medela nipple shield and with my second I knew to ask my nurse for one if I couldn't get a latch. I love it maybe you should look into one?
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