dont want husband in delivery

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
So this is a vent, plz someone tell me if I should feel as hurt as I do or if its my hormones. Warning this is all TMI so stop reading now if u don't want gritty details.My husband and I will hav been married 2 yrs at end of Aug. We hav sex about once every 2 weeks. There is never much forplay except a little kissing then its clothes off and him sticking it in me. It last less than 10 min, though I climax everytime. I've complained about the lack of forplay and how boring our sex life is in the past, to no avail. I've tried different stuff and hav given him oral as forplay but its been a few months since I last did that. It's been over a year since he last did oral on me. Ive mentioned this a few times but he just ignores the topic. Anyway I've been getting good contractions and hav effaced 50% and dialated to a 1. I told him yesterday I would like sex with 2 orgasms, for the contractions it causes and of course need his sperm to soften cervix. He asked how us he supposed to giv me that and I told him oral then intercourse. So last night, he starts kissing me and then removes my panties, keeps everything else on and climbs on top and sticks it in, and I wasn't even wet enough for it to be comfortable yet when I pointed that out he said "your wet enough". I asked him then why ain't he do oral of any forplay, does he hate it, he said I don't know then climbed off, said I ruined it for complaining and that nothing is good enough for me, left the room even though late and stayed out in living room watching TV while I cried myself to sleep.
Sorry this is so long, I'm crying now as I type this...he hasn't been most supportive man this pregnancy, neither of us planned for it and in the beggining he told me to abort it during a fight. But I really don't want him in the delivery room now, I want my supptive 2 best friends. I feel that birth is most exposing and intimate thing, he can't be intimate with me in our marriage bed like I deserve/need then I don't want him with me during most exposing time. I feel like protitutes and ppl having 1night stands are get better sex and loving forplay than I get from my own husband, and if I compare it to past relationships and sexual encounters, I've never had anyone treat me in bed the way he does, always slam bam roll over and go to breaks my heart. Is this hormones or do I hav a valid reason to feel this way?


  • I don't think its hormones sometimes men get complacent in the bedroom and marriage.....and for some when you question their sexual tactics or techniques they look at it as you questioning their man hood. But if your that bored with your sex life a conversation needs to be had.....boredom can lead to trouble! As far as the labor and him being in the room, I don't know if that is th right or wrong thing to do. I would want my husband in there to see the birth of the child . And if you don't let him in the room it might br something you regret later. But at the same time you want someone that is going to support you!
  • You have a right to your feelings but think of what the repercussions will be if you don't allow him in the room. I am not condoning the way he treated you but it is his baby too. What I would do is talk to the nurse on duty when you are there and if he starts acting like a douche tell her you want him out! Give him a chance though, the labor and birth process can have a changing effect on a man....
  • He's been in the birth of our son and I swear I think that it was after that that our sex life took a nosedive
  • I think that you two should address your bedroom issues for sure. However, not allowing him in the delivery room for that reason seems entirely unfair. It's the most important day of his life. Yours as well. Don't ruin it. Just my opinion.
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  • If you think that has something to do with the issue have him stand at the top of your bed during delivery.
  • My thing isn't the possible issue of that, its that he hasn't been that supportive through this pregnancy, partly cause he hasn't been excited about her coming like he was our son and now at the end he can't even give me what I'm asking for sexually even with the argument that it will help things along, blatantly telling him what I want/need and he refuses to acknowledge that I hav repeatedy requested something more than a 5 min missionary quickie
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