im scared..

edited August 2011 in Military moms
-Okay so here is a flash of what's going on-

My name is Mallie, I just turned 17 in june, & I'm currently 26weeks pregnant. My bd\soon to be husband in december is gonna be 18 in october, he was sworn into the army in may, he is graduating school early in jan. He will be leaving for basic in february. & next summer before my 18th birthday we will both be stationed (most likely) in georgia. Bc he will be going to ranger school.

He dedicated himself to this so I could be a SAHM & get the chance to finish school since I had to drop out & I'm forced to get my ged instead of finish hs.

Anyways- I'm really scared for him to leave bc I don't even like going a few days without seeing him. But in our situation we saw this as the only option to have a chance on making it with our marriage since we are so young\my family isn't involved & the economy is bad -plus I've never worked a day in my life. I support him so much & love him with all my heart for doing this. But I'm scared. I'm so clingy, especially with the pregnancy. & our darling lil girl will only be a couple months old when he leaves. I'm scared for his life- after basic, I'm scared for the bond he will get with the baby, & how I will manage to do things on my own when he's gone.

Now what I want you guys to see is that- I've never had a bank account, or paid a bill in my life, I just got my license a month ago, I AM JUST A KID MYSELF. & I'm terrified. I seek comfort. Please military wives- what is the truth? How is it for you guys? I seek information that will help me cope with these BIG changes.


  • Hugs!! I'm not a military wife but was a teen mom who had some of those worries myself. Lean on family and friends for support when he is away. Now's the time to understand finances too while he's still here.
  • My husband is in the Army (we're stationed in GA). We've been together for two years, and have been married for a 1 1/2 years. I'm 20 and he's 22. Before we were married (I lived on campus for college), and had never paid my own bills (took student loans out for school), never had a legit job (babysat), but I did have my own bank account. I met my husband right after he finished AIT, so I never had to go without him being there. He's been in for 3 years, and has never deployed yet, which I am SO thankful for. So in that aspect, I can't say what its like for him to be gone for a long time. When we got married and then had the same finances, I took over with the bills, etc. It was a little confusing at first, but you just have to make sure you don't live beyond what he makes and keep on track with how much your bills are and when they are due. Its honestly, not that bad. As far as him bonding with the baby, when he's gone. There's tons of things I've seen wives do such as, have a "daddy doll" that has his pic on it, put pics of him, you, and, her around the house and tell her who it is and ask her who it is, skype with him while he's gone so he can talk to her and she can see him, there's book's he can record his voice on, and then you can let her read it and it'll be like he's reading it to her. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! I know how confusing it can be to be a new military wife.
  • Oh sweetie I just saw this post and I really hope u r doing ok.. I would be lying to you if I said its an easy lifestyle.. cause it is not. Especially for the moms/wives.. but one HUGE thing to remember is that be needs your 100%support and commitment. And it is scary to have to grow up and pay bills and raise a child, but I'm sure you will do great. It's a mothers instinctive that kicks into gear and u will know what to do. Also, lots of lettters, Skype, pictures, keep some of his dirty shirts when he leaves so his scent is there.. spray his cologne on some bears for her.. show baby pics of him and say its daddy. If u ever need any support let me know, it can def be stressful at times! Good luck, keep us updated.. and u go moma, way to do what's best for that baby!
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