Amniocentesis (lung maturity)... HELP!

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Okay, so some of you know that I've been in the hospital for a couple weeks and when I get to 36 weeks, the doctors want to do an amnio to test for lung maturity. Please let me know how this is done and the risks, etc. Thanks!!!


  • Just wondering also, how does the needle not hurt the baby if baby moves? I have a super active little one and i'm freaking out about it.
  • they basically stick a needle through ur muscles and enter the uterus, they do an ultrasound while doing the procedure so they can see where the needle is going. my friend had it done and it didnt take very long they look for spots the baby is less likely to bump into
  • the needle is also very thin so if it does poke the baby it would only b a little prick, its not likely that will happen tho
  • I had it done with my 2nd and they had baby on giant monitor and its a very long thin needle and they put it in where baby least likely to hit it. It feels this weird awful pressure pain going through this barrrier that is under muscles bit over intestines..can't describe it but wouldn't want to ever do it again and made me feel sorry for anyone ever shot or stabbed in abdomen.
  • Thanks @jazzi89 and @momto4
    so not looking forward to it lol(:
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