I have absolutely no energy!!!

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
Yeesh, I haven't slept this much since I was a newborn! I sleep really well and I still take naps during the day or late in the evening. In fact, I just woke up from a nap at 9 pm! Once I'm awake, I never feel rested. Anyone else feel like this and is there anything I can do? I really want to continue cleaning my apartment, but I'm just too tired. :(


  • I have no idea but if you ever figure it out let me know. I was counting on getting a nice nesting going but I'm starting to think its just not going to happen.
  • @beaded_bunny
    I nested really bad when I wasn't sleeping so much. I sorted through Laundry Mountain and did 4 loads! That's no easy task when you need to walk to the other side of the complex up and down a bunch of stairs to get to the laundry room!
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