Baby Yoga for Dummies- NOT WHAT U THINK- ABUSE!!! MUST READ!

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
So there's this thing in Russia where this lady is literally taking a newborn and swinging it around by the ankles and even by 1 arm. She swings the baby upside-down and around her back! Hasn't she ever heard of shaken baby syndrome and child abuse?! I want ur thoughts and opinions on this appalling video. It's on YouTube just type in baby yoga for dummies its posted by CBS. It's the 1st link, I can't post it from my phone. I'll bump this tomorrow so others can see it as well. I wanted to cry seeing a helpless newborn being tossed around like a rag doll :(


  • I saw that. I don't know if it was the same one you watched but it made my husband and I very mad
  • @jcmommy I think its only the 1 video. It's the woman outside in yoga pants she's blonde swinging a naked baby around. My hubby thought it was fake at 1st, then he got super angry.
  • Omg...thats the hell is that legal?
  • Lord please refrain me from saying crazy things
  • @armywife3 its in russia so idk how their laws are. They think its exercise for the baby!

    @bettymomma ya I agree she should be locked up. Ppl don't even treat animals like that much less a helpless baby :(
  • @HavingNumber4 oh I was cussing that lady so much, so was my hubby after I told him it was a real baby not a doll.
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  • I seen it on a show. they was trying to tell if it was real or not. I got really mad when they said it was real. my mom couldnt believe what she was watching either..
  • I saw that and I was like uh WTF! who would do that!?
  • @newmomma15 ya just wait til she kills someone's child!
  • I know for real!
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  • I havent seen it, but from the sound of it I don't think I want too... I just hope no one is stupid enough to mimic it... there are a lot of people out there who lack commen sense....
  • @Mama_kat and @LittleFae ya its a short clip they played on CBS news but its still heart wrenching :(
  • I just watched with hubby. WTF?!? I can't imagine how ANYONE could think that's ok. That is some crazy ass shit! No way! No how! Crazy bitch!
  • okay, seriously?? Did you guys read the comments of the other people watching it? Some people were actually defending it and saying how helpful it is to keep the baby "fit"! Does a newborn need to be worried about being fit???? Seriously, this is just CRAZY! I have no idea how this lady isn't in jail already.
  • @lindseynicole96 ya I think I seen another clip about it and it was the dad that took the baby to that lady. He said the baby was only 2 weeks old! U don't need that kind of "exercise" at that age. Flipping a baby on its head like that can cause not only brain damage but the vessels in ur brain can burst and kill u. I'm sure if ppl did that in the US or any other country they would be arrested for sure!

    @TishJ33 ya I watched it with my hubby and he laughed cuz he thought it was fake. When I told him it was real he was infuriated beyond belief! It's crazy how some ppl act in other countries and even worse that they get away with it! It's total child abuse. I wanna know what's gonna happen when a baby dies from what she's doing to them :( poor babies.
  • my goddess! some people are just stupid...
  • I saw that video its horrible :( made me really sad and my husband was really upset too. I found it disturbing, even more than the chimp raping a frog video, eeeek!
  • The comments were interesting. I guess its normal over there? She gets paid to do it so she must have never had an injury or anything. Unless their laws are way different. But its different.
  • yah i seen that on the news crazy psycho beotch
  • @OregonMama I couldn't have said it better myself. Smh on how ppl r in other countries. Tho I wonder if ppl do it in back ally deals in the US.
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