Natrual Ways Of Induction

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester

I'm down to my last 20 days, and I'm exhausted as ever. For the last week I've tried walking, EVERYDAY, nipple stimulation, everynight, sex with my husband, almost every night and have been doing some squats. I guess only the little guy knows when he'll be ready to enter the world.

I tried all the listed above with my first pregnancy and I delivered at 40W+2D.

I'm starting to think this is all bologna!
Natrual induction work for anyone?


  • Nope! I went to 40+3 with my first, 39 with my second, now I'm 36+2 with my third, not dilated hasn't dropped. I did lose my mucous plug friday though, I never lost it with my first 2 and today I can't stop having emergency bathroom time....
  • Didn't think so. My OB told me that because this is my second child labor and delivery should move along faster, but I have not 1 sign of labor. No loss of muscus plug, no contrations, NOTHING :(
  • Babies do what they want, its better to let them come when they want instead of forcing then, I guess. I've been trying to get mine out for a few weeks, now I give up and I'm just gonna forget about it and stop obsessing when hes gonna come. The last weeks are the worst
  • Labor and delivery for my second was less than half the time from my first, but working up to that point is what was a pain in the ass. My dr thinks I'm only gonna be a week early, at the most
  • Have tons of sex. Me and my husband had it like 3x a day and had my son at 39+1. I never exercised cuz that really does nothing for u. Its the stimulation of the uterus. Making it contract. So have lots and lots of orgasams!! That's what worked for me. And I started all of that when I was 37 weeks and by the second week I had my son. But having that much sex, I was so uncomfy. I sucked it up and had my son at a perfect time :)
  • And it was my first child and I was soo rdy I only pushed for 10 mins.
  • Wow! 3x?! I wonder if I can handle that. I'm pushing myself to have it once a night, but if that works, I'll get on it as soon as he comes home tonight. I hear male's semen is what really does the trick.
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