I didnt know who else,to turn tooooo sorry tmi

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Last night I got alot of pain/contractions. I didnt think anything of it. For the past few days I cant stay dry to save my life I have been leaking a white creamy substance that I thought was normal but I did not know it leaks soo much at,a time. So I take a shower and tried to check which I know is a big no no but it does not seem right down there. Could it be dialation? Idk because I never had natural birth so I cant tell. Somebody help im embarrassed but I know,someone here could have an answer or advice...


  • How far along are you? Discharge is normal. But contractions plus discharge can be a labor sign. Call your doctor and see if he will check you.
  • Im 34 weeks today
  • Don't check yourself. It can introduce infection. Trust your instincts and call your doctor. If he's not helpful I would just go in to labor and delivery and ask to be checked.
  • Although I've never experienced this. It sounds u may be loosing mucus/fluid. Which is not a good thing. Call doc asap! And go to er!! Let me know what they say. I hope everything is ok!! My friend was loosing mucous with her bby she delivered last month! They had to induce her before baby's fluid got too low. She was fullterm though. We have a few weeks to go. Let me know! Hope all goes well!!
  • edited August 2011
    Thanku @ll10 @mommyof3tobe I will keep u posted I just feel horrible right now im how my back hurts and I want to get back in the shower because im so uncomfortable.
  • Btw I get a lot of discharge too. But not so much that I'm worried. Tmi...but is it slimy? My friend said hers was slimy like. But of course go to l and d to be on safe side especially since you've been contracting!
  • Ugh I will bd got my car so I have to wait until he can leave but I will let u know when I find out something
  • Ok, I know what that's like, lol. Take it easy, til he gets there!! :-)
  • I wouldn't get in the shower if no one is there because one day I was having real bad back pains then it felt like I was having contractions I started crying and had to like double over...I'm glad my bf was there cause he helped me out the shower and everything cause I was in so much pain
  • Lol I didnt end up going back in the shower I went back to bed and fell asleep but thanks @newmomma13 because we preggers can never be too careful
  • Yes girl safety first lol I hope ur feeling better....when i went to the hospital one time I was having contractions cause I was dehydrated so I think they gave me that shot....it want too bad I just felt my heart go fast like I had just finished running but it only lasted for a little bit
  • You ok? U ever go to hospital?
  • Im good I just stayed in bed my back hurts but I go to the doctor tomorrow so im not trippin. @mommyof3tobe
  • Ok...! How was ur doc appt? U ok?
  • Everything was ok she changed my c section date for the 3rd time so im having him on the 12th I didnt get checked though.@mommyof3tobe
  • Why didn't u get checked? !? What the...whatvif ur dilated? Well idk guess ur ok even if u r. Well now u have less 30days girl!!! Whatttt....lol
  • Lol I am happy but u will always be my ddbuddy @mommyof3tobe
  • ;-) I can't wait for our day to come! !
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