I had my princess:)

edited August 2011 in Giving birth
I finally had my little princess Haley Grace was born Wednesday August 10 at 3:32 am! She is so beautiful and I'm so happy!!! ;;)
My birth story: On Monday morning I had an appointment at my doctors office where she attempted to strip my membranes which didn't work I has about 70 effaced and 1 cm dilated so I was sent to the hospital where they inserted the prostagladin gel to ready my cervix. I started having bad cramping and dilated another centimeter during the hour I was observed but was sent home to wait for the call for my induction. At 3:45 am I was called in for my induction so me and hubby went to the hospital. At about 6 am I was started on my iv with potcin and started having stronger contractions. I was moved to my room about 8 am and had progressed to about 3 cm. Around 10 am my doctor came in and broke my water and it was green. She had merconium in the womb so now was start of countdown for delivery. The nurse came in and increased my potcin every half hour or so. After my water broke the contractions became quite intense and I had progressed to 4 cm. The nurse advised me to get my epi sooner rather than later even though I was not in bad pain. They were really busy so about noon I had her make the call for my epi. It took the anestheologist twice to get it placed good and about a half hour. I was so sore from bending over my neck and started having bad contractions. After that I slowly progressed to 6 cm by about 7 pm. At one point my epi needed to be topped off and he gave me a little much and it was the worst feeling not being able to move my legs and having two nurses have to position me from side to side on a peanut ball to open my pelvis more. After 7 pm I progressed to 7 cm but my contractions slowed for a bit and about 2 Am I was in excruciating pain where epi was wearing off. I was having very strong and long contractions at that point but my cervix had stalled and stopped changing. The dr on call talked to me and with risk of infection increasing risk for baby distress it was decided time for a c section. I was so nervous and couldn't stop shaking as they prepped me. My hubby was scared and got so nervous he threw up I had never seen him so scared. I went to or and at 3:32 am I heard her cries and she was born Haley Grace Healthy 8.1 pounds and 19 1/2 Inches!! After they got her out the doctors voice sounded concerned and there was a rush of another nurse and hushed voices and lots of clanking and my husband tried to hide look of being scared as anesthologist got more stuff and started pumping my iv and then gave me a shot. I felt pain out of nowehere and he put more meds in and finally after forever they started stiching me up and everyone calmed down. I was focusing so much on my baby I didn't notice as much what was going on. I was wheeled into recovery and she latched on right away. First time!!!!!like a pro breastfeeding:):) she was so alert and the nurses kept saying how alert she was and couldnt beleive how quickly she latched on in recovery I found out an extra stich had to be placed from my uerus tiring out much like they determined when they called c section and I was hemmoraging bad during surgery and lost a lot of blood. I ended up staying at hospital until yesterday. We are now at my moms and I'm so happy with my little angel and so glad she's here:):) sorry kinda long!!


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