Borderline Pre-eclampsia and weight gain association?!

edited August 2011 in Plus Sized Mama's
With my first pregnancy I gained like 20 lbs, but I lost it rather quick and managed to keep it off for 4years. That is until I got pregnant with this second pregnancy. Since March I have had significant swelling associated with a high blood pressure which is still borderline for pre-e. I have gained so much weight with this pregnancy and I am already PLUS size, my doctor has never mentioned anything about it or told me I was gaining or even showed concern. How many of you have had pre-e and gained a lot of weight? Could this be related to my swelling in my feet, calves, and wrists? Please help I'm a little worried myself!


  • I have gestational hypertension which hasnt turned into pre e yet and I've gained 28 lbs and I'm 34+5. My doctor isn't concerned with my weight though. I do know rapid weight gain is associated with pre e. I think I read that if you gain more than 3 lbs a week it's concerning.
  • I feel like huge, my body is not recognizeable anymore! I am beginning to be really depressed about it and I am sooo over this pregnancy!
  • When I was pregnant I had pre e, I gained 60+ pounds. After delivery I dropped 40ibs. It was all water weight from swelling. I didnt have ankles or legs anymore! Im plus size far are you?
  • I have pre e and was diagnosed at 34 weeks. I was weighing in at about 150 but since then have gained 15 lbs! All from swelling. Im 36 wks now n weigh 165 35 lbs more thn my prepreg weight. my feet n legs r so swollen it hurts to walk
  • @maymommy11 OMG I have gained about that much now , it is such a depressing feeling. I feel like I will never lose the weight afterwards and that sucks cause its not easy to lose weight. I can't even put my legs propped up on a bench or anything without having a 2inch deep indentation in my calves. I can't barely bend my legs not to mention kneeling down on the floor for anything!
    @jazzi89 I have been wearing flip flops that are cutting into my feet where they are swollen. I tried buying new flip flops but after going to 3 different stores I had to settle on some cheapos from walmart cause nothing else would stretch and give in to my fat feet.
    Thank you all for helping me out emotionally. I am a little self conscious at this point and no one is here for me to vent too. I think I just got flooded and frustrated by all these symptoms piling up while my husband is gone from home trucking. It's scary! My doctor has already approved to induce me at 39 weeks, but she said she isn't sure that we will need to schedule that induction cause the baby will probably be born sooner. [-O<
  • I had pre e but only gained 17 lbs I was up and down ever week I would gained 3 lbs in literally 3 days lots two and so on. I had to be seen by ky doc twice a week. Bc any hp I had to be induced immediately
  • How far are you? You sound like you do have pre e. Ya everytime I would even sit I could feel my feet swell up and theyd hurt. I look down,and they looked like tree trunks. My dad is a truck driver too.
  • Swelling is water and water is heavy it is not uncommon for women with swelling to lose 30+ lbs in the first weeks after birth. I don't hqve any swelling and water still makes me lose or gain 5lbs is a day.
  • @ll10

    I appreciate all the feedback, and feel a lot better about my situation. I hope I do lose all of this extra weight and can't wait to do so only a month left if not sooner. I can't wait to be able to kneel down and bend over and wake up without numb limbs! I wish you all the best in your pregnancies and deliveries! Thank You ALL!
  • You're very welcome! Good luck!
  • Your welcome mama :) hopr you lose it quickly after delivery.
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