my friend wants a baby but she is almost 500 pounds!!
I have a very dear friend who has been trying to conceive for years. I know its her weight and I'm sure she does too but it isn't stopping her. Because of her weight she has no cartilage in her knees and can barely get around. She finally begged her doctor to give her clomid ( I think that's how its spelled) by telling her that regardless of if she puts her on the drug she will continue to try, and she doesn't want to be 35 and pregnant because of the risks to the baby. Well the doctor told her she wanted to do a complete physical and if everything comes back good she will give her the medicine. I'm supporting and standing by her 100% but I really think its a bad idea. What if she has a heart attack in the next 5 years? Then what? What if her body cannot handle being pregnant and she loses the baby, which would devastate her. Does anyone know women who had babys at 475 pounds? I just need reassurance that my friend will make it through pregnancy with a healthy baby.
She's worried about risk carrying over age 35, but she's not worried about risk carrying at an unhealthy weight? It sounds like she wants a child right now for different reasons other than health/risk to herself or baby.
Even if it started with thyroid problems, from what you're telling us it's not thyroid problems now. My mom has thyroid problems that she doesn't keep check of all the time but still never got that big. What this person will need is a serious wake up call. For my dad's friend it was when he became so large his immune system was compromised and he got infections in his blood that went to his heart and almost killed him. It was a direct result of being obese.
But ur a good friend for being concerned. If anything I hope her dreams of a baby modivate her to dropping some pounds