I'm convinced... I've decided to have a natural birth...

edited February 2011 in Giving birth
I watched The Business of Being Born and it really opened my eyes. If you haven't seen you definatey should.

Is anyone else looking forward to having a natural birth? And what way will you want to have the baby (i.e. in water)?


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  • My 1st child was a complete all natural birth and it was absolute hell! But that's how I wanted 2 have him so I was determined and did! they were begging me 2 get an epidural and I just kept telling them hell no! It feels like your dying I'm not gonna lie! I swore I would never have another child after that because it hurt so bad! However baby no. 2 is due in august and I will do it natural again! It was so worth it not 2 c my son all drugged up! Good luck you can do it! It makes u feel like super woman!
  • Sounds good I've had 2 natural births first I had an iv cause he was induced donno what ws in it cause they gave me the morphine shot in the bum, second was.completely natural much easier na I intend 2 do it that easy this time aswell hopefull3 thid birth is as easy as my last lol
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  • Just hope the doctor doesnt have 2 cut u or u dont rip.
  • I don't generally like to take medicines and I like to think my pain tolerance is pretty good. I want natural birth, too. But I'm willing to allow some intervention if I'm in labor forever. Like, to hurry it up. I want a vertical birth and to be able to labor in the tub. So definitely no epidural.
  • I'm having my second child just like the first... all natural. The only thing I took was normal strength tylenol after from the swelling of a 4 degree tear.
  • I had both mine natural. The first one was hard not gonna lie. But once he was out it was all good. I did tare, but I had no idea. I felt amazing after. Like i just acomplished the greatest thing in the world. And my second was much much easyer. Im planning on a natural birth for the third also. I go to a birthing Inn so I don't have to worry about iv's or anything getting in my way. Plus I don't have to worry about dr's trying to manipulate me to do things how they want vs what I want. You wont regret it :) Its really an amazing experience.
  • I went into the birth of my son hoping that I would be able to have the natural birth that I desperately wanted but figured I would just go with the flow and see how things went. I didn't want to have my heart set on a particular birth experience and then be devastated if it didn't work out. So I stayed at home the first 12 hours because the hospital didnt believe I was in labour since I wasn't screaming and carrying on, I finally decided to disregard what they said and went down for a check up expecting to be sent home... I was already 7cm and 5 hours later had a healthy baby boy with only gas as pain relief towards the end... I was lucky but if at the time I felt that I needed it or that it would have been stressful on my son for me not to have it I would have done it... and at 6 weeks pregnant again I'm hoping for an easy birth again... good luck to all the other mums here :)
  • I get no pain meds but I get induced. So some meds but nothing for pain!
  • Just curious, is it more likely to tear from having a natural birth?
  • I never did never cut nothing
  • No, some chance for everything. There just isn't any intervention unless its needed. They can still cut you if they feel they need to. Can still numb you befor they do. And can still stitch you up after. they have all the stuff they need for a healthy birth. Just No epidural, IV's, or pitocen. Unless you really need fluids. They can do iv's if really needed.
  • *same chance
  • I had all three of mine naturally with no pain meds and I plan on taking the same route this time around. There is no way to compare the feeling of labor/childbirth, but neither is there a way to compare the relief and feeling of accomplishment that you have when it's all over! Just remember that breathing is very important, as well as staying focused. You can do it! Blessings to you! :)
  • Omg I am 50/50 on natural vs epidural ... I feel like I have a low pain tolerance but then I think what could possibly be worse than a migraine? and that makes me want to do it because I know I can. But then I remember how amazing demorral is and think I want drugs/epidural. Gahhh so hard to decide.
  • I really want to go natural for as long as I can this time but I'm scared to death it will be too much and it will be too late for pain meds. I'm also afraid to tell my midwife I wanna go natural cuz she will keep me from getting meds. I'm afraid.....
  • I want to go natural. This is my first, so its terrifying but I have wide hips, a high pain tolerance and on top of that, am incredibly stubborn.
    If I absolutely must get something, ill take an epidural over being induced by picotin (wrong spelling I'm sure, so pardon me.) The stories of birthing with picotin are outrageous.
  • I just had a post abuot this too! Definately having a home birth!
  • I found a great group of midwives that deliver in hospital, so ill have the at home experience in the hospital. I plan on taking tylenol in early labor, and going unmedicated after that. I've done it before, and i am very confident i can handle it.
  • Im delivering in hospital wit mid wifes hopefully naturally...about the cutting they hardly ever do that anymore becuze its worst than a tear....im also goin to do oils rubs which helps prevent tearing...and do ur kegals they help out sooo much!
  • I got an epidural with my first and will never again it slowed everything the anesthesiologist first put it in wrong had to take it out and re-do it thrn put it in to far so I was leaking spinal fluid and once I got home had the worst headaches imaginable I couldn't even get out of bed for a week so natural is the way I'm going with this one
  • Im bound and determined to have a water birth... My mom said not much more but your contractions hurt..and when u have to push it feels like u hav to numbr 2 lol anyone secknd opinion this? I just want to have an idea what im in for.. The dulas say the warm water soothes the contractions a bit and its a better bonding moment for the family. I am doing it in the hospital not in my own tub lol im too nervous about something going wrong...
  • I have had two babies naturally. Neither labor was as painful as what I have heard in the responces here although the first one was much more intense due to medical intervention and the OB practice I was with. With my first the OB practice made me get an induction with pitocin. I made contractions harder and faster than if I had had a natural delivery. My son was7 lbs 12 oz and I did tear a little. I have used the same doula for all my births. She is a dear friend of mine now. For both labors I practiced relaxing. Months in advance. With my first I was very excited/anxious because I didn't know what to expect. I was disappointed with my OB in the end and switched practices. With my second I used an OB who was really calm and patient. We got along very well. I labored at home for about 6-7 hours walking and consciously relaxing my body during contractions. I got to the hospital and was at 7-8 cm. The gave me the heplock (an IV shunt in my arm) just in case. And at that point I got in their labor tub. WHAT AN AMAZING THING. I literally didn't feel contractions any more. It was great!! When I had to push they got me out if the labor tub and u tried different position to push. My baby girl was 9lb 9.5 oz. It took me a while to push her out but I didn't tear. My husband and I massaged my perineum with olive oil for the last few months of my pregnancy and my OB helped to stretch my perineum during pushing. It was painful when she was stretching it but worth it not to tear. This birth we r in a different city and I have a midwife. We r still going to a hosptal but my midwife has said I can refuse the IV shunt unless medically neccesary and that if I refuse to get out of the tub that they wont make me get out. So unless plans change during the fact I plan on having a water birth with this.son. I hope we both have great labors!!! Also one of the most helpful things I did with my daughter's birth was have music and we sang and prayed while I was in labor. The singing helped distract me from contractions. There were whole chunks of time that I was so relaxed that I didn't feel my contractions even during pushing.
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