edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
OK so my last one I was 22 weeks 3 days. I am now 31wks and because of the pressure and so forth I been Tryna tell my doctor I want an ultrasound she told me its not needed...IM VERY ANGRY my cousin toke hers @ 29weeks n they told her she will need a c-section.. I'm nervous ..I need to now whats going on with him..did he drop? his he OK? how much did he grow? I'm so pissed...My question is when did u do ur next ultrasound after ur 22wks? I need to know I'm I over reacting?


  • You may not get one, most healthy pregnancies only need an early u/s before 12 wks to confirm dates and then one around 20 weeks for an anatomy scan. Unless u have complications or your uterus is measuring big your Dr and/ins may not allow for another.
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  • Have u had any problems I think u get one more that's wat my doc said I might towards the end to c if she is growing ok
  • Thanks ladies I don't have complications n he is moving around just fine..I have pressure down there so I wanted to know did he turn? OK boy I guess its OK then...I'm just anxious...how will I know if he is positioned right?
  • I got one at 33 wks to check the fluid an to make sure everything is okay.
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  • they can feel the baby and tell if he is positioned right. my little man has been head down since 22 weeks. I am now 35 weeks and i feel constant pressure down below. he is already chilling in my pelvis. so it sounds like your little one could be too. is it hard to walk? I kinda have to waddle, i cant sit forward either anymore, does this sound like whats happening to you? I wouldn't worry too much about getting another ultrasound. they are going to be able to tell just by touch if your baby is breech or not. I'm sure he is fine. :)
  • edited August 2011
    @My2sons Some Docs. Can feel on your abdomen to see if Baby is positioned right. My Doc did this & confirmed my baby is Breech, but doesn't think I need another Ultrasound just yet even after I've harassed him for one. lOl Ugh!
  • I got ultrasounds at 12 and 18 weeks. I'm 32 weeks and 3 days right now, and I will not be getting one until 36 weeks. That's pretty standard unless there are issues within your pregnancy to warrant more. They can check if your baby has dropped by simply feeling your abdomen. That doesn't require an ultrasound. I have also had pressure the past 3 weeks, but it's the baby making her way into the birth canal. This is also normal. Try to relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. :)
  • I only received a third u/s after my 37 week checkup where I gained 4lbs in a week and my weight gain otherwise has been fine and steady (no gd or any complications, hell I don't even eat enough to gain that much) and the dr thought my baby felt big when she was measuring me and feeling my abdomen. Turns out, he's head down (yay!) but the u/s is estimating him at 8lbs 6oz (not so yay lol). Your pressure is probably baby turning. I didn't have any pressure til about 36-37 weeks and I'm 38+2 now.
  • I'm 32 weeks and my doctor doesn't check to see if baby is positioned right until I'm in the last month because the baby can still turn. Pressure usually means the baby is settling down into the correct position. Don't worry.
  • Yea you don't need one.. my last one was at 18weeks.. I am now going on 39weeks I'm having pressre and feel as if my pelvis is broken and all but I know its baby getting in position. Dr's can feel for your babies position with their hands, no need for an ultrasound. My dr check my babys position every time I go. Personally I don't thing growth scans late in pregnancy are a good idea. They can be way off and will just freak you out. Like they'll tell you you're gonna have a 10lb baby but you'll give birth to an 8lb baby. Useless ultrasounds.
  • Im 31wks and i have an u/s today but i get them every few weeks due to being high risk.
  • after 20 weeks my dr dont give anymore unless he thinks something is wrong. i paid for a 3d at 28 weeks though
  • Can you go pay for a 3d ultrasound?
  • My last one was at 18 weeks and I am now 37 w 3 d..
  • Most docs can feel if the baby has dropped and can guess the babies weight by your measurements
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  • I only had one at 11 weeks frm.my doctor I payed for a 3d @ 24weeks. &.now im 39.& havent had nor will I have any more from my doctor
  • edited August 2011
    are there any medical schools around that offer ultrasounds? even 3D ones? i had a 3D ultrasound done when i was 29wks, just to do a 3D pic & i just went again on Friday & i had the 3D again PLUS they told me where he was positioned, how long he was & how much he weighed...look in2 that...search medical colleges in ur area...that should help in the mean time...
  • @Imamommysoon sounds just like me I waddle alot now n have lots of pressure. when I try to sit forward I get severe BA k pains..@mam082711 my 1st born was 8lbs 6ozs...lol @homebirthadvocate thanks I guess um just anxious to see wats he up too..lol @librababii I sure will like into that...THANKS EVERYONE
  • I had one at.22w and payed for 3d last weekend. Doctor said they won't do.another till I'm 36w.
  • I had one at 10 weeks and I had another one around 17 weeks and then another one around 25 weeks to check his heart and I will be having another one to check his growth! I asked my midwife if I can have another one cause I wanted to see how much he weighted and to see if he is growing right and she said that was not a problem!
  • I have had quite a few I had one at 32 weeks & I'm getting one wednsday hopefully but they can tell if he dropped by a cervical check but u r too early for that pressure in this trimester is normal as long as ur stomach measurement is growing your baby is too....u will get one before 37-38 weeks to determine c section but I wouldn't worry based on someone else's pregnancy just think normal vaginal delivery until otherwise told everything will b fine
  • Aww thanks ladies can always depend on another prego for advice..lol @mommytobe505 I wish my midwife would say no problem...
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