Working while pregnant



  • edited August 2011
    I worked full time all the way up until the first week of my eighth month, its been 3 weeks and I sort of miss work b/c I hate just sitting around, but luckily for me school starts in a week so i'm happy
  • Im working full time & due 9/13. I have an office job but i also have to go see my clients in their homes. So im out in the heat driving around going into unairconditioned homes. My last day is suppose to be 8/25 but now im thinking of staying an extra week. I have enough time on the books to be on maternity leave for 5 1/2 months & get full pay.

    I have diabetes and considered high risk. Now i go to dr twice a week for NST, so working full time is getting hard to do.
  • Thank you! Like you said, being single I really have no choice. My job is very physically demanding with long hours so it is super hard but I do it for my baby.
  • Ill be 40 weeks on Wednesday and I'm still working 40 hours a week. I'm an infant and toddler teacher. It's hard, but it needs to be done
  • I'm 31w and planning to work until sept 30th I'm due oct 12th. Today at work I wanted to give up though.... I don't get much sleep. I have restless legs, leg cramps, trouble breathing, toss and turn, and not to mention I'm using the bathroom at least four times a night.
  • I worked until 2 weeks before my due date. My husband works as well, but we needed the money. Trust me when I say I would spend an hour driving each way to and from work, work 8 hours, shower, spend two hours on homework for college classes, and sleep the remainder of the time. Lol
  • I'm 36w1d and I JUST got hired for a job. Orientation starts Thursday. I'm going to have to work until I go into labor just to make a check or two. D:
  • I'm leaving 3wks before my due date for my 3mos maternity leave then returing for 4-6hrs days for the remainder of the year (month of Dec). I'm most like likely returning to work full-time in Jan. My work is a desk job, but it is still pretty stressful with deadlines & all. I guess I hang in there bc I'm a bit of a workaholic lol. Still, I cannot wait to have a mini vacay w/ my son :-)
  • I work 40-50 hrs a week on top of going to school and having a 18 mth still trying to figure out how I do it lol
  • Good job for you ladies :)

    And @lilmama19 if I were single then no doubt I would out there. Good for you :)
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