How much does you infant eat?

edited August 2011 in July 2011
So my baby is 2 1/2 weeks old and he is eating about 5 ozs every hour and a half to two hours.. To me that seems like a lot but idk cause it's been 10 years since I had my first child.. Is anyone elses baby seem to be eating a lot too?..


  • Sounds ok to me. All of my girls ate like that. Should b ok. ;)
  • Was more like every 2 to 2 1/2 hours tho.
  • is he a big baby? that does seemlike alot
    I was bf'ing at first so im not sure how much she was eating but now that she is on the bottle she is eating 2-3oz every two hrs. and will b 5 weeks old thursday..
  • im little on is breastfeed and i gave her 4oz in a bottle and and then attched to my boob but shes 7 weeks but if you little one is fine and issnt hungry i think its fine. its different for every kid!! good luck mama
  • My baby is 12 weeks and still eats 4oz every 2-3 hrs
  • Bby Nayeli is 2mnths and shes on Similac Adance and eating 4oz 2-3hrs..
  • Baby Kaidyn is 2 and 1/2 months and she eats 4oz of formula with rice cereal every 3 hours. That does sound like a bit much and so frequently.
  • Can i give cereal to my bby? Shes 2mnths
  • edited August 2011
    @betty You should be able to. My daughters doctor told me give her cereal. She has acid reflux and spits up a lot so the cereal thickens her milk so she can keep it down. I think it would be fine for your baby. My daughter gets baby food in her bottles also due to the formula which tastes horrible. She drinks Similac Alimentum.
  • @betty She also has been getting cereal since she was 3 weeks. I put 2 1/2-3 scoops of cereal to her 4oz of milk she drinks. Use the milk scoop.
  • My son is 8 days...he was a 9.5 lb baby and is eating 3 oz every 2.5 hours...I felt like that is breast feeding also....just supplementing with formula cuz I don't have enough milk for him! Hoping it comes in better soon!!! How big is ur baby
  • I was breastfeeding at first too.. And no he's not a big baby, he was 7 lbs 4 ozs when he was born.. Hes gotta be 9 lbs if not more now..
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  • @betty @ashleyfew Is right if not for medical reasons don't give it to your baby. As I forget to mention above and also you should check with the pediatrician. :)
  • I put a couple baby spoonfuls of rice cereal in my sons nightly bottle.. Helps both he and I get a lil more sleep.. He is 2 1/2 weeks old and I've been doing it for the last 5 days and have had no problems with it bothering his belly at all.. I personally see no problems with it for my son..
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