tongue tide baby(update on kynlee)

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I'm breastfeeding and having a hard time with my daughter latching on I've even tried bottles. I saw a Lactation nurse today to help me with her. She said my baby needs to see a ENT specialist cause she's tongue tide. :(

Has anyone had the skin cut under their baby's tongue? Did it help and does it hurt them?


  • My last 5 kids all had to have it done. It helped A LOT! My husband is tongue tied so thats where they get it from. Their pediatrician just does it in the office - literally with a small pair of scissors. They don't even cry. I'm assuming ur talking about a newborn though. If they're past a certain age it has to be done at a hospital as out patient surgery.
  • That just means the tongue is stuck to the floor of her mouth by some extra tissue they need to snip away so she can suckle correctly...freeing up the tongue allows it to move more and make a better seal and sucking motion...babies are not pleased to have it done but it is not a complicated procedure...she will be just fine :)
  • I am tongue tied and my mom was unable to breastfeed me because of it. I never had it "fixed" and it has never caused any issues for me other than I can't stick out my tongue. My brother was tongue tied as well and his was snipped at age 6. He had a tough time with it and had a slight speach impediment for a few months afterwards. I would say if you are going to do it, do it soon.
  • If I am not mistaken @bentleysmommy had this pronlem also. Maybe she can help you.
  • my son is tounge tied but he never had an issue about it but my dr. told me if it caused speach issues.. which so far hasnt.. hes only 15months.. its an easy quick proccedure.. in and out.. numb it.. and snip. and it heals really quickly.. so if its bad just have it done..
  • @wilsomom yes she is a new you think its still a good idea to have it done even if I only bottle feed her?
  • Yes! Definitely get it clipped! It's called the frenulum. My son was born with a short one to. It can cause lisps and speech impediments further down the the road because it doesn't let the tongue out all the way. It doesn't hurt them and it starts healing the minute they clip it. You don't have to apply anything to it. Just clip it and problem solved. Hope this helps :) And also he wouldn't latch so the first 2 weeks I bottle fed him breast milk then I re taught him to breast feed and he does great now :)
  • @bentleysmommy I thought I remembered speaking to you on a post like this. Glad Bentley is nursing well! @texasmomma3 good luck I hope it goes well.
  • I born like that and get it cut (when I was newborn)
  • Thanks so much! I'm was so afraid they would do it wrong or it will hurt her :( I'm bottle feeding her with breast milk :) its kinda nice cause dad helps now and mommy can now get some sleep. I'm glad you shared that with me cause I almost thought it was just the Lactation nurse pressuring me to breastfeed only but she seems to have the problem with the bottle too. Today my husband and I bought some nipples that the Lactation nurse recommended and they are working great! She's actually getting a full belly worth of milk so she's sleeping so much better :)
  • Yeah they want you to get it done sooner rather than later. Getting it done as a newborn is way easier than getting it done at an older age. It heals quicker, and they don't even know it happened.
  • My son was born with a tie and still has it. I was so pissed off to learn that in my area they wait till baby is talking wrong before they will clip. He self weened at 3m because it was just to hard for him to get enough milk. . . His tie with my sucky let down it was just bad all around. He got so frustrated with it he wouldn't even take expressed milk after that point. I looked into clipping it myself but its illegal and my Pedi at the time was a *many explicitives* and she would have reported me out of spite
  • Wow that stinks! I'm supposed to call her pediatrician today, will see how he takes it
    Hope he's willing to do it.
  • My mom had it when she was young and got it clipped. But my little brother isn't clipped and going on 15. It hurts more as your older. But if its left unclipped its manageable and when it comes to speech the child will adjust as well.
  • Yeah, I agree you should do it now rather than later. It's so much easier while they're little. Good luck!
  • Her pediatrician wont send her to a ENT until she's a year old? Smh really? I think I might need to get a second opinion cause she's having so much trouble eating. I can't Handel how sore she makes my nipples :( and the bottles are giving her colic :( ehhhh
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