Weight weighing less now than I did b4 I got prego. Is it normal?

edited August 2011 in Health
I know I ask to much questions but somebody anybody everybody please answer this!!

How is it that my weight is a lb lesser than I weighed before I got pregnant yet I have this huge bump and my bootay and my boobulas have visibly grown?

Two wks ago I measured 29wks and I was only 26wks weighing 186. Now I'm 29wks and I'm measuring 31.5wks weighing 185. Before I got pregnant I weighed 184


  • I'm seven pounds less and I'm 28 weeks today.
  • So is it normal to weigh less in your last tri than it is right before you got prego
  • I lost 10 lbs in my first trimester and I'm 26 weeks now and I have only gained 2 lbs..my Dr says its normal..because the baby can grow off your fat.
  • Into my 2nd trimester I only gained 2lbs then I found out I had gestational diabetes and changed my whole diet and I lost 10lbs.my baby was born 7lb12oz and was born 8/4 and I've lost 23lbs already.im also breastfeeding.im overweight as well.
  • I just met my prepreggo weight at my 37 week appointment it is perfectly ok
  • I was 165 prepregnancy and now at 36 weeks I stay around 160 give or take a pound my dr said babys healthy so all is good
  • Okay thats gud so that means itll be harder to lose the weight after birth.
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