BD vent. i just dont know how to get it threw his thick skull!

edited August 2011 in Relationships
I am so sick of my DH/BD right now, I don't even know right now. Part of me wants to cry and part of me wants to scream at him.
I feel like I do everything myself!!! Yes I know he works all day and I'm at home with our two n a half week old son. But its not as easy as he thinks! Now don't get me wrong I love my son more then life itself and I wouldn't change a thing. But there are things that I'm not getting done because our son has been fussy the last few days and won't let me put him down without screaming bloody murder. He is either in my arms or my lap ALL DAY!
So yeah when hubbys gets home I expect some help. Like o I don't know feeding the damn dogs or dishes would be nice. O yeah and instead of taking out what trash is only in the kitchen trash can, you could get the bathroom trash as well, and put these lil things called trash bags back in them once your finished. I swear I spent almost 20 min. Gathering trash from around the (inside) house that he had just tossed here or there cuz he didn't feel like getting up and taking it to the trash can and then didn't bother gathering it up when I asked him four times to take out the trash. And don't even get me started on his dirty dishes.
And the dogs, well he decided he was mad at one of the five, so he just wasn't gonna feed any of them. Really!!!! K so the next time im mad at you, that gives me the right to just say o to bad you don't eat tonight.... So I got to deal with feeding not only our son (which he bitched about me BF cuz he wouldn't get to feed him) but our dogs as well cuz you were mad and wanted to play angry birds on your stupid phone. And I twisted my ankle and got a gash on my leg when I fed them, didn't help my mood any.... I just don't get it. Unless its something he thinks will be fun like bathing our son he doesn't wanna deal with it. Is rather pull my own teeth then even try to get him to change a diaper. But if its something that may be fun then he acts as if he doesn't even want me around and has made some very rude hurtful comments in reference to not needing me.
Part of me is ready to pack his shut and change the locks while he's at work. I'm just so done!!!


  • I'm sorry he's being such a dick I have no advice there as far as what you should do. but the one idea I had as far as your son not wanting to be put down. have you thought about buying a sling? you could safely carry him around on you in a sling and keep your hands free to do what you need to do. I know some probably wont agree with me and say that carrying a newborn around would be spoiling him but it was just an idea I had. sorry I couldn't be more help.
  • leave him there with the baby for a while so he has to. my SIL did that to my brother and he started appreciating her very much more after he seen what she done everyday..
  • @imamommysoon - I have a couple of slings. I'm just really nervous about putting him in one of them. I'm scared ill do it wrong and hurt him... @ittybitty - I did that a few days ago, I went birthday shopping with my mom for hubby and when I got back our son was sleeping in a dirty diaper with poo running up his back and pee on his blanket. I was livid!!!! I had to give him a bath just to get him clean. And to top it off when hubby feeds him he will take the bottle away and say he's playing with his food just cuz some spills out of his mouth. And sit and let our son cry and say he doesn't know what's wrong with him. HE'S HUNGRY DAMN IT!!!!
  • OH WOW! im speechless..
    he needs a good smack upside the head..
    i'd come help u if u was close
  • @Ittybitty - thank you. The thought us what counts. But we have been working all day on going back to BF since he doesn't wanna be put down. And he's finally back to latching Like a champ!!! I'm so proud of him! We have to use a shield but that's ok with me. :)
  • how long was he off the breast? ryleigh has been off completely for 2 days now and I know she'd jump right back on if I let her. lol.. she is a real titty baby.. why do u need the sheild?
  • @Ittybitty - he's been off for over two weeks now. And never really took to it in the beginning any way. He got real fussy so I gave him a couple ounces of formula then he went right back to breast. He has issues latching because I have flat nipples.
  • ohh gotcha..but he is doing fine breastfeeding now? I had been trying for about a week to get her on the bottle but she hated it so i always gave in and put her back on my boob. lol.. she still searches for it when I put her up against me. lol
  • @Ittybitty - yeah he's doing great! I'm really excited, I'm hoping it will help build my supply. Are you doing formula or just pumping and feeding? If its formula she may not like the taste or temperature...? I wish aydon would search for the boob. He just waits, like what we gonna do now momma...?
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