Heading to my first u/s appt. Worried

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
So since ive known I was pregnant ive had really bad cramps and slotting. This pregnany is starting out the same way the last one did that I miscarried. finally I called the doctor and got a very concerned nurse. Im heading to have an u/s and an appt. To go over the u/s. Hoping they do blood work also. Im really worried. I dont know how im going to be able to handle bad news if there is any. Im praying to God that things are ok. I will keep you ladies posted. Keep me in your thoughts please. Thanks ladies!


  • Praying that everything is fine.
  • Praying all is well and you are just feeling implantation cramps and spotting!
  • Well I have a cyst on my ovary which she said is normal. Ive never been told this before. So im kinda like wth? Im farther along then I myself thought. Im 7 weeks exactly. Heart beat was there and you could start to see the arm buds. Im still scared but feel better now that I know theres a heart beating. Now waiting to see the doctor. Thanks ladies! My new due date is april 3rd. My little bean is growing. The weird thing is since im farthsr along then I thought I had a period while I was pregnant. Very weird.
  • I hope so! Seeing the heart beat last time though is what really kicked in the excitement. I so very badly want to get excited but its so hard bc of last time. But seeing baby today and it being much bigger made me feel a bit better. Im going to ask about having another u/s done in about three weeks.
  • Congrats! I know exactly how you feel, as this is my first pregnancy after a 6 week miscarriage and I was really paranoid it would happen again. I now am 30 weeks with a girl! I am rooting for ya :)
  • Congrats! I know exactly how you feel, as this is my first pregnancy after a 6 week miscarriage and I was really paranoid it would happen again. I now am 30 weeks with a girl! I am rooting for ya :)
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  • Yay! Congrats hun!
  • Ask your doctor to to check your progesterone. The girls ae right after a heart beat the chances are very very slim for miscarriage like 5%. Good luck mama.
  • Thank you ladies all. Im like I said so badly wanting to get excited. I think the cysts are a good thing bc last time with my mc I they never once mentioned anything about a cyst. I really appreciate it ladies. I love this forum! I go back in sept. 8th for my official ob visit. Im going to ask them about doing an u/s again then bc I was around 10/14 weeks when I lost my last. @oregonmama I love you! Thank you so much! I jope things are ok for your baby after your near miss accident.@meliz1187 thank you congrats to you hun. Hope you have an easy delivery and a happy healthy delivery! I will be sure to ask about my progestogerone level. Is that the same as htc levels? @II10?
  • I had a cyst in the beginning to they its normal an helps keep the pregnancy healthy .
  • Yup the cyst starts the prego hormones for baby
  • Yeah they told me that I had a cyst on my ovaries too...the doc said it was normal and that they would go away. Said they were good for the baby. I am guessing they did bc it hasn't been mention recently.
  • Yeah doc said it helps provide the baby things right now until the baby is considered a plecenta (sp) sorry hate my phone its not spell checking lol... My phone adds random things too and mispells words even though I dont have spell check it will change words I know are right. I hope this is a sticky baby! My fiancee is finally showing excitement and hes like your not showing to much. Its so hard to bc im so gaurded and scared. I want to but I cant take the hurt and pain again. @oregonmama tell baby boy I said thank you and to not give you so much hell lol. Glad things are good. I was so surprised to hear I was farther along then normal. Ill have 3 april babies tee hee hee.
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  • @usmcwifemommy101107 thank you so much. I hope all is going well for you. I am so glad to see you coming back. I have my daughter who was born april 17th 2003 then my son was born the same day only in 09 lol... Maybe ill go on the 4th. How cool. I really hope things are going better for you.
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