What should I do? *Long*

I have left my husband and moved back in my with parents. I feel like I was being emotionally abused and couldn't take it anymore. For as long as I can remember anything I do that is not exactly his way he gets mad at me. I was put on bedrest and told him I really needed someone to sit with me during the day because I was having constant contractions. He told me I could just sit at home and get up long enough to get what I needed. Also my mom and my friend came over to the house to help me get situated and they cleaned the kitchen. When he got home he got pissed off because when they washed the dishes they left the rag in the sink. He started yelling at me saying if they were gonna help they needed to do it right. I told him about his anger issues and that he needed to do something about it. He agreed and is suppose to be going to therapy. Im not happy with him and feel like I have to tip toe around so things don't start an agruement. I shouldn't have to do that. I do love him which is why its so hard to leave. Im also scared if we get a divorce after she's born his parents will make him try to fight me for custody. Im not afraid of losing I just don't want to deal with it. If we do divorce I still want to be his friend and maybe even later start dating again if he really is changing like he says. Do I divorce now before she's born or wait until after she's born to see where things go?


  • thats a very tough & blunt question...i think you're the only 1 that knows the answer to that question...you just moved back home...give it time 2 think it through...sorry i wasnt much help...
  • Whatever you decide nothing is going to change unless he goes to counseling for his anger problems.
  • If you still want to be with him, I would try being separated first. Spend some time apart and go to marriage counseling before getting a divorce.
  • @laura536 I had planned on going to talk to a counselor before getting divorced. At this point I'm scared I don't know what I want.
  • I left my ex husband at 7 months with my first. He was abusive emotionally. It was best for my situation. It was super hard, so be very sure before you do anything!
  • He just texted me and asked me if I decide to get divorced if I would wait until after she's born so he can have all his rights as a father.
  • This is going to sounds terrible but that's why you should do it before. If your worried about custody battles and abuse from him do it before she is born. You sound like you will do it either way. I would do it before.
  • Do it before. I wish I had, because now my son is going thru hell. We were separated, but not divorced.
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