hip pain anyone?

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I'll be 33 weeks pregnant on thursday and I'm having terrible pains in my right hips/buttocks, to the point where it sometimes has me limping. Anybody else feeling like this? I have a drs appt tomorrow so I'm definantly going to find out whats going on or if this is normal. I just don't think my little body is supposed to be carrying this much weight. This is the most I've ever weighed in my life...


  • Yup I had this discussion not long ago forgot what they said its called but im not as far along as u n mine has been doing the same off and on for over a month my bf says the same thing that my body isn't meant to carry this weight but if u ill look n let u know what its called
  • Sciatica is what I've been told it is for the pain I rotated ice n heat
  • My tail bone is killing me hips &.back
  • @preggointx you're almost due aren't u? relief is on its way mama!! =D>

    @mommy2bof_1 thanks for that. I'm going to look it up. I'll also tell ya what the dr says about it. How far along are u?
  • I'm going through the same thing..I was 97 lbs pre pregnancy now 125 at 35 weeks. I walk around probably looking like someone beat the crap out of me. My doc said because its my first and I am so petite,my hips have a lot of adjusting to do to get ready for the baby. But Omg this is painful!!!! Know how u feel girl
  • Ill b 26 wks tomorrow. N ok when I asked my doctor she mentioned that its probably that I can take tylenol for it, do a few exercises, n ice n heat i don't want to take tylenol though b/c baby is already exposed to too many prescribed meds blah so I try my darnest not to take nething else
  • Yea im getting induced next week its taking FOREVER
  • @babiescomin2011 yes I believe I was about 98 lbs and I'm about 133 or something now. but at 35 weeks, you're closer to it ending than me, I'm jealous :P. I don't even wanna think about how its prob gonna feel at 35 weeks.

    @mommy2bof_1 okay those all seem like good ideas. I walk my dog everyday and I'm literally limping down the st behind him. I try to walk through it thinking it'll get better but no such luck
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