peeling w/no sunburn?

edited August 2011 in Health
I'm not freaking out its just odd. Yesterday after I showered the front of my ankle was itchy so I scratched it. Not hard not long. I put lotion on cuz it was obvious my legs were dry. Later on I noticed skin missing where I had scratched. It was noticeable in the way that when you peel from a sunburn and the next layer is so much lighter. Except there was no peeling (just a missing patch) and definitely no sunburn. Anyone else experience this? I'm 98% sure this has zip to do with pregnancy :/


  • My skin has been dryer than normal with this pregnancy. My last pregnancy I was an oily mess! I think it's hormones from the pregnancy. I just use a lot of lotion.
  • Google images of tinea could be that too.
  • Every couple months or so the skin on both my feet gets so dry and flaky that it literally just falls off. It will get really dry like I can't put any amount of moisturizer to make them soft, then like a day or two later I'll rub them or wash them in the shower and skin will peel off like to where you can hold up flaps of skin. Sorry if that sounds gross lol. But maybe they are just super dry like that.... do you work on your feet a lot?
  • @soon2bmomof2under2 some images look similar although on a much much smaller scale. Ill have to google again later cuz my phone internet is being wonky today(this morning pregly told me I had 1,660 weeks and 6 days remaining and babybump said I was 41 weeks 2 days..but still with due date of 11/4 LOL)

    @ashes no its not friend informed me today her yorkie likes to eat and lick her husbands psoriasis-now that's gross lol I haven't worked since late march/ early april but there was no noticeable peeling..its like I looked down and there's a missing patch :/ the dead/dry skin theory sounds good though

    I'm having blood work done this afternoon (I swear they're cloning something lol) so ill mention it, see what they say/think.

    Thank you both :)
  • ya i get dry patches.. so i exfoliate when my skin starts going crazy.. i like to make my own exfolient just cause i know its not going to dry my skin further.. my favorite is a honey and sugar can add some kind of citrus juice and peel.. it actually tastes good.. lol. and you have to apply in circular motion light to medium amount of pressure and rinse really good.. lol.. cause if you dont you may be sticky haha.. and than moisterise after your shower.. you can use it on one area or entire body.. but i do the whole body so im the same color all over .. hahahah good luck
  • I have tinnea versicolor, and my skin peels, nothing major, but it will still peel a little.
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