Measuring a week behind for the first time?? 31 weeks

At my appointment this morning, my fundal height was 30cm and I am 31 weeks 2 days today. I have been spot on measuring 29 at 29, 27 at 27 and so on. My doctor said he was fine with how I am measuring but of course I freak because my mom had a stillborn due to growth restriction that was missed. I have another appointment in 2 weeks and my third trimester ultrasound that same week. Heart rate was great at 154 and baby is moving, movements have been more frequent in the past few days. Is one centimeter anything to freak about?? I worry too much, I think :">


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  • thanks @navywife, you're awesome :)
  • It is okay to measure either 1 week behind or 1 week ahead. If your doctor isn't stating that it's a area of concern then don't you worry mom. Everything is fine with your bundle I'm sure.
  • Thanks @kcoolxchic, you're wonderful :) Decided not to inform my mom about this little tidbit because she'll freak...sometimes leaving little bits out is not so bad ;)
  • Try maintaining how much youre baby moves I'm 29,2 measuring 31.5 I have a paper from my dr that I have to write down the time he starts moving check each box until I reach ten then write the time its done if he moves ten or more within an hr half its gud but no longer than two hrs cause they have alot of room to move around, but if they move less than ten within that time then eat or drink something with sugar wait thirty min then still no movement then go in no if ands buts about it hope that helps
  • Thanks @havingnumber4! I have my kick count chart and so far I have been doing well. I usually feel my 10 kicks within one hour and movement has actually increased which it a good thing. :) my doc said if less than 10 in 2 hours to go on in. He has me doing them twice a day and I have been doing that since 28 weeks. thanks!!
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  • Thanks @FirstTimeMommyToBe, I am a first time mom know how we worry ;)
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