
Is it ok to highlight your hair in your second trimester? Using a bleach product? I went dark and now I miss my blonde!!!


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  • Yes its ok
  • I was told to just make sure the area was well ventilated!
  • It's safe no worries look at it this way hair stylists don't stop using the lightening products on people while we are prego and it doesn't hurt anything!
  • I just had my hair colored and highlighted the other day. :) The fear used to be the metallic dyes would seep into the scalp, but those are no longer used. :) Just ensure it's a well ventilated area.
  • @mama0811 My mom actually highlights my hair, we go to Sally's (I dont know if you guys have one of them) but it is like a place to get hair stuff not like the walmart isle stuff. But she usually doesnt get it on my scalp. Thanks!!

    @preggointx Thanks!

    @mommyo3soon2b4 Thanks! It will be done outside, dont think it gets more ventilated than that!! =;

    @kenzie0713 oooooh never thought of it that way! Thanks for your input!

    @misskristin Just had to make sure! Thanks so much!
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