8 days post c-section

I think there is something wrong I love my daughter more then life its self but I'm so damn sad all the time I just wanna lay in bed all day and cry.......I feel like a horrible mom


  • :( awe hun im sorry, maybe calls your doctor and talk to him/her about it. You're not a horrible mom hun. Maybe its just the exhaustion getting to you? Im not sure, sorry im not more help hun.
  • I def suggest talking to someone. But 1. Remember, your not a bad mom. There is just sooo many hormonal changes and then sleep depervation! Good luck and I hope you get the help you need!
  • Sorry to hear that Hun! I felt the same way after my c-section in '07. My son was in the nicu for 15 days, I was really sick also, and I felt robbed of the birth experience I wanted and expected to have. My doc put me on lexapro for a few months and once it started working I felt a whole lot better. I'm not saying antidepressants are for everyone but they really helped me with my postpartum depression. I hope you get the help you need, love. Sometimes just talking about what's bothering you helps also. *hugs*
  • I felt the same after my c section! I was cryin all the time! I felt like a rubbish mum! Turned out i had low iron and after takin meds for a week i was much better! The low iron mixed with baby blues and sleepless nights as well as recoverin from major surgery just took it out of me! Do u have muxh support? Speak to your doc and see what they say!
  • I will pass along some advice my midwife gave me when I was stressing out about having a c-section. she told me "there is no wrong way to have a baby. the only right way to have a baby is that the mother and baby are safe. as long as you have a healthy happy baby it doesn't matter how they came into this world" you did an amazing thing! you made and carried a beautiful baby inside you, close to your heart for 9 months and then gave her life! that is an absolutely amazing thing! its a miracle. don't ever feel like you are less of a mommy for any reason. that's a beautiful picture of your daughter. good luck.
  • It happened to me it goes away they are called the blues but if it doesn't it is post partum depression.
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