i told him i want a devorce

I finally told my husband I want a devorce. Sense his attempt to cheat web though nothing happened I can't trust him and don't feel th love I once had for him. I just don't get it. We were that couple. Th ones alwas smiling laughing hugging kissing holding hands playing around. We never were apart always happy. N he tried out of nowhere getting with another pregnant woman that's married but she had a huge rep of cheating on het husband. Y would h pick trash n throw our family away like this? Even now him ani are re same. Playing around lovely u would think were the perfect couple. Its just because of that one messup I can't forgive him. I can't move past it n trust him. I always think he's with het or with some other woman. I love my husband so much. He was my whole world he has made me the happiest I've ever been. Y did he have to do that to me? He threw everything away in a matter of a few text messages!


  • Sorry to hear this....did you guys try counseling? It is hard to forgive and move on when the trust is gone. Good luck.
  • Ya did it and still doing it. Its all me I have a one strike rule. He didn't even really cheat he tried and that's good enough for me
  • So sorry girl.. I don't think I could move past it either.. stay strong
  • I'm sorry hun. I know how u feel with loving a person soooo much and to find out they dont feel the same. I told my bf (together for 5 years) that I was done yesterday and I am so broken hearted but I know its the best. I'm at work and I keep running to the BR to cry everytime I think of him, its soooo incredibly hard but we need to be strong.
  • I think the biggest thing foe me is I never ever thought he out of all men could or would do this to me. We were and still are so perfect for each other. I've never felt such a connection twards anyone like this. It took me so long to did him. I've date so many men and soamy of them where wonderful guys but my husband was 100% perfect. I've never felt hurt like when I found out what he tried to do and its going to hurt so much moving on without him. Raising our kids without him growing old without him... I am not going to go looking for another man. After experiencing this amount of pain over him I can't do it again and also I don't think I can err low anoter man like I love him
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