Anyone ever sell AVON or mark makeup or other company?

I'm working as a server in a restaurant and I'm done being on my feet and pushing myself to make money there. After baby arrives next month, I will be starting school online mid october but I'd like to be able to make money without leaving my little girl. I'm thinking of selling mark makeup, a brand of makeup from AVON, and I just want to know your guys' experiences and opinions.


  • I tried to sell Avon several years ago. I'd advise you not to quit your job. It's tough getting customers when there are already so many sales reps out there. Doesn't hurt to try and see how it works out for you though.
  • I sold Mary Kay, it's nice cause if you buy a $200 starter package you get $150 in free product, you buy the $300 kit you get $250 in free product and you get bonus' and free trips if you sell enough product or make enough facials and what not. I was in a group where 3 out of the 16 woman were driving pink cadillacs
  • @CarrieLee I was only going to go to school but wanted to make some extra money. BD has a good job to support us I just don't like feeling so dependent. How did you decide Avon wasn't for you?

    @myasmommy2009 I don't want to invest that much since I'm not sure I will be successful. That sounds awesome though I hope I can sell enough for some cool incentives.
  • @misspregger6989 I was my only customer unfortunately. If I remember right I had to order every so often in order to stay a sales rep. I loved the products though.
  • Bare minerals is way better than avon or mk u might check into it
  • Do you have a large base of people to sell too? Like a church or HUGE family (with a disposable income) or your job? Because the hardest part of the whole thing is getting customers. The people I've seen be really successful at it were school teachers, in a sorority, or very active in a large church, because they have so many people to sell too and who want to help them out. I went through a spell where every friend I had was hawking Mary Kay or Avon or those 31 bags, and none of them still do it, because it's just so hard to build a customer base. It's especially hard because they push you to sign up your friends/customers to be sellers and then you can't sell to them any more.
  • @laura536 Yeah that would be my problem since I would be a stay at home mom. A lot of my friends compliment my make up and ask where I get it and I thought I might try that approach. Like, do you have a eye liner or whatever that you love and works for you and you just have to get more when you're almost out? That's how I want my customers to feel about that make up.

    @thekellikelli I love bare minerals! It's pricier though and I'm not too good of a sales person to convince these women that it's money better spent than what you get at walmart or wherever they shop for make up
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