Bleach baths?!

edited August 2011 in Health
Is anyone watching My strange addiction? Omg this lady uses bleach on EVERYTHING and even adds bleach to her baths everyday! OMG!


  • I'm watching it she's nuts how the hell you do that ???? You vayay don't get sick or irritated
  • Smh.. Wtf is wrong with people now a days
  • edited August 2011
    Yes!!! I saw that one last week. That's crazy. I hate when I use clorox and then the smell stays on my hands. I can't even imagine bathing in it.
  • I don't ser how it doesn't burn your skin off!
  • Ppl consume small portions of bleach daily... it needs to be flushed with water tho....
  • Omg you watched it too. And she puts it in the tub like a bubble bath and her va jay jay was exposed to it she is really fing crazy
  • I know! @youngmami3 I was like how does not burn her vajay?! Did you see the episode after that?!
  • The human baby was weird it wasnt a girl it was a transexual &nd loved to wear diapers cause it liked to feel the warmth of his/her pee :\
  • @esperanzasmommy I didn't see that one! Some people are reallllly messed up.
  • That show makes me feel normal! Lol
  • I watched a episode wher a womans husband died an she had him cremated an she carried arnd his urn an I believe aftr a while she startd eating his ashes ... um... I love my man but...I gota draw a line :0&
  • Yes girl she was tearing up her husbands ashes talking about it taste like rotten egg, sand and I think rock or dirt come on now people can we say disgusting
  • @breewashington08 and @youngmami3 YES! Omg I wanted to throw up. She would talk to it and cook for it!
  • my son has to have bleach baths 2-3 times a week to dry out his skin so it doesnt spread infections. but bleaching EVERYthing is a bit absurd
  • @survivormommie3 she was directly pouring it onto her scrubber and washing herself with it! And she'd pour some on her hand when she went out so she could still smell it. She used it all over her kitchen and didn't dilute it at all. She was nuts.
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  • Ahhh the ish is craaaaaazzzyyy!! People r so messed up! Why wld u eat ur husband?! Wat wld posess u into even opening the urn let alone .... EAT HIS ASHES!! I was flipn out thru the whole episode
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  • I know. My bf was at work and I was texting him freaking out and he was like, "Baby, when I die will you eat my ashes? :)" (joking of course) I was like omg shut up, that's sick! He's so dumb.
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  • And how about eating plastic im glad she learned her lesson
  • Ugh I hate my work schedule abd I no longer have dvr :( I saw the episode with the woman eating her husbands ashes, the grown baby (wtf?) and the one with the woman who put ranch dressing on EVERYTHING ( I think it was ranch) smh. I always try to catch it but keep on forgetting when its on. The woman and the ashes was over the top though. I hope she really got help. Because the way she was going there wasnt much of him left. All she would have is an empty can to walk around with. Now that would just be sad.
  •! that's disgusting!!! BLEH! i get sick from the smell. prego or not. crazy lady!
  • My mom use to spray bleach on a wet rag and wipe her arms and legs with it.. its a mental thing they can't help it. My mom is terrified of germs is why she did it. We finally got her to quit. She would bleach everything.. the walls ceilings floors.. anything and everything... she's not crazy she just has a phobia.
  • I don't bathe with bleach...but am ocd and have a germ phobia. I go through times, usually when highly stressed, that my house only feels clean if I use bleach. My hubby hates the smell! Most of the time I am okay if I just use an antibacterial cleaner. But when its bad its sometimes hard for me to hold my kiddos hands or touch things in a store without immediately sanitizing my hands. I work on this all the time because its not healthy and it hurts my family when I can't touch them because of germs. I think most people have at least one type of phobia...just some are worse than others. Sometimes phobias are caused by things that happened to a person in the my germ phobia started when my 1st daughter was in the nicu and got worse when our 2nd was put in nicu w a heartcondition after birth. I was so scared of making them sick. Its sad that those people's issues are at such an extreme. I truly can't imagine bathing in bleach can be good for a person.
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