Really bad hip pain

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 32w 6 days. Since last night I've had really bad left hip pain to the point where I'm limping. I haven't been doin anything today but lay in bed cuz it hurts to walk. Has anyone had this? How common is it & how can I get some relief?


  • Feel better! :-S
  • Is it like your buttcheek too?
  • @lily_glz. Yea sometimes & it radiates down to my knee when I step with my left side
  • It sound like your sciatic nerve. . Baby is probably laying on your left side pinching the nerve causing the pain. There's not much you can do about it though :(
  • Yes it is your sciatic nerve, I went to thr hospital the other night for it, I couldnt put any weight on my leg at all, the said theys nothing that can be done, if there's a chiropracter that does pregant women then I'd give them a call
  • I'm 31 weeks and woke with the same thing this morning! I could barely walk. I took a hot shower and stretched out in bed. That seemed to cure it...
  • I did at the exact same time. When 32 weeks came it hit me like a truck,I walked around looking like someone beat the crap out of me..and it was my left side too!! Now at 35 weeks its starting to feel like its happening to my right hip ;(
  • I'm 27w and I've had it for like two weeks it hurts so bad :( I hate it I literally lay in bed all day because of it :(
  • I had the same terrible pain I could barely stand long enough to take a shower, I started baby yoga and OMG its been a lifesaver I have zero back and hip pain anymore, maybe you could look into it or some streches
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