how to tell your mother
Ladies I'm 19 n college I'm doin good for my self have myy own apartment n car but how do I tell my mother who expects so much fo me kuz she start having kids at 17 to be better than her dat I'm 4mths prego.....plz help kuz tomorrow I find out da sex of th baby in I really want to share this moment with her.
I do not have a face to see,
Or put inside a frame.
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss,
I don't yet have a name.
You can't yet hold my tiny hands,
'Nor whisper in my ear.
It's still too soon to sing a song,
or cuddle me so near.
But all will change come ____________(month baby is due),
That’s when they say I'm due.
I'm your new ________ (grandchild or other relationship);
I can't wait to meet you.
All I ask between now and then
Is your patience while I grow.
I promise I'll be worth the wait,
Because of all the love we'll know.
I cannot wait to be a part
Of this wonderful family!