nicoteen withdrawl on infants?

edited August 2011 in Health
OK can infants have nicotine withdrawal? All's my sisters baby does is scream then as soonas she smells Amy smoke or if she gets breast fed after she smokes she calms? I was also told that they can absorb through their skin too?


  • Hmm... I'm not really sure. But here's a *bump* to get you back to the top. Have you googled it?
  • That sounds really sad, poor baby! Well I have no clue about it but I hope somebody can help and get both the baby and your sister healthy and happy!
  • I googled and to be honest just clicked on one link which said studies show yes. They're fussier etc similar to babies born to moms who did drugs although not on the same level. Whether this is the case with her baby I don't know because I've known moms who smoked and their babies weren't fussy or hard to calm if a non smoker held them.

    And nicotine can be absorbed thru skin but for a newborn that's NOT a good thing. You're sister should be at least washing her hands BEFORE touching/holding baby.
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