@excitednewmommy.... awww honey. keep your head up. all you need to worry about right now is you relationship with your SO and that little baby your ttc.... big hugs your way girlie. >:D<
@Ready4number3 yes I'm pretty sad I was hoping it would be like yest but it wasn't. Ur right we gotta stick together bc we are the ones who know how each other feel.
@Praying_4_twins and @Ready4number3 thank you soooo much its nice to know there are other ppl out there who are kind and want to see you succeed. And what is this term baby dust that keeps being used never heard of it trying for my first. Thanks for being here for me I truely appreciate it.
Hubby & I are ttc for our first too neither one of us have kids some terms I have learned on here is af= aunt flow (period) bfn =big fat neg bfp=big fat positive. baby dust=is a term other ladies use to send u good luck on ttc and in getting ur bfp
Oh that's nice....cuz I seen it and was like what are they talkin about fairy babies....lol. He only wants one kid I want 2 or 3 but he being selfish I want atleast one boy to carry the name that's all and he wants a junior so I hope all goes well.
lol fairy babies cute Yea hubby & I want twins or he only wants 2 but I want 3 babies sooooo yea we are gonna have 3 lol now we just gotta get prego w/ our first or twins Good luck to you!
I think the baby dust thingy just means sending over positive energy to create that little one... like pixie dust to make you fly - baby dust to make a baby!! lol @excitednewmommy