some people shoud really keep their legs closed (kinda long)

edited August 2011 in Second pregnancy
So i have this friend she is 20 and onvher 19th birthday she got pregnant by a 30yr old he got her drunk blah blah. Her little girl was born in march. Well while she was pregnant she and baby daddy broke up and she started dating her ex they have been off and on for 4 yrs well he proposed at christmas time and they were suppose to get married in the fall well in may she met a new guy and they started talking she broke up with her fiance and started dating/screwing the new guy she got kicked out of her house and moved in with me and daniel for all of 3 weeks. While all this is happening she still has her daughter and a merina or so she says but now she has moved in with new guy who is a hs drop out with no job and he lives with his mommy( real winner) and she put on face book today shes PREGNANT AGAIN!!!!! So that's 2 babies by diffrent fathers and an ex fiance in 18 months. Baby 2 is due in april so 13 months apart. And neither of them have jobs. Some people need to keep there legs shut!


  • Wow. Smh! She needs to learn.
  • Smh.. That sucks but it isnt your problem hun, dont get mad over it, be happy that you are not her.
  • Yeah but the sad thing is she will make it my problem shes always calling me to watch her daughter. She left her daughter with me for a weekend with 5diapers and a half a can of formula and one bottle with a few. Liners.
  • I just wouldn't watch her daughter and not take her phone calls.
  • Omg thats messed up.. Ugh you need to tell her that she has to take care of her kid..
  • smh. that's so sad. i agree.... some people need to keep their legs shut or keep it in their pants. in this case- it goes for both!..... those poor kids!
  • Eah im not watching hwr daughter anymore. I already ignore her text cause she wants to know what im up to and i love her daughter but shes so YEah im not watching her anymore and i already ignore her when she texts me cause she always wants to knoYeah i truer to call her today to ask her about it and her phone was disconnected
  • I feel sorry for her daughter cause her ex fiance was like her daddy but now that she lives with new guy my friend doesn't let kendra see her daddy(the man that was there since birth) so when new baby comes around shes gunna be pushed to the side.
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