Advice please!

edited August 2011 in About App & Forum
Could we make that a category?

I've been here awhile and it seems like the biggest complaint/reason people are leaving is because they feel that their questions have been ignored.

I understand that questions/concerns are supposed to be posted in the appropriate category however they can easily get lost. Maybe have a "I have a serious concern/question that I would like answered tonight because I called my doctor and They blew me off or I want to know if I should call my doctor because I'm freaking out and really really scarred!!" Category available to people so if they feel they are being ignoered they can post there.

Anyone else think this might be helpful or are the decongestants I took an hour ago making me loopy?


  • That's a great idea :)
  • I don't think it would change things. People will still use incorrect categories or title it too vague..for example "uh?????"
    Plus timing really is everything ;) sometimes I comment on one thread and for whatever reason (busy,low battery) put my phone down. I've also noticed lately for my time zone anyway, not many people are "on" in the morning like it used to be.
  • @Mrs_shut

    I understand what you are saying and I agree to a point but thier post is labled vaguely or posted in the wrong spot then they cannot really play the "everyone is ignoring me because I'm [whatever] and if people are willing/in the mood/in a helpful state of mind they just have to click on one category verses clicking on several trying to find someone without a bunch of posts on it. I know that people will use it inaccurately but I do feel that it might help.

    I also Really do agree about the timing being a HUGE issue which is sort of what gave me this idea.
  • I'm not really sure if a category would help or not. I don't know about anyone else, but I usually just read whatever is at the top of the "all discussions" forum, since that's what loads up first on my phone. I only see categories if I'm on the computer. (I think that might be the reason so many discussions get started in the wrong category too.)

  • @conreeaght hmm I was just thinking if the search option were tweaked somehow and made better it would help A LOT! There have been times I've wondered about symptoms or whatever(nothing serious) and tried searching and lets say you type in "pain in ribs" get say 40 possible results. But 30 of them are from a food post mentioning how good ribs are and 10 just have the word 'in' mentioned somewhere in the replies.

    I know its just a forum/app and not google lol but I wonder if martin (or anybody with knowledge and ability) could do that.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
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