plz help constipatied ):

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so I'm having thee biggest problem ever with constipation. I'm kind of freaking out its been over a week and I'm so uncomfortable it makes me cry! I've Tryd the colace my doc recommended but a week later.. and nthn ): please any advice to help me??


  • Have u been eating a lot of fruit and drinking plenty of water?
  • I'm nearly the same way.... it sucks!!! I've bee eating SO much fruit and veggies. Last night I had a huge gatorade and like 6 glasses of water. Still nothing. I haven't had a real bowel movement in like over a week and a half. I don't like using meds or supplements but I'm just about there
  • Honestly I got to a point that I had to use a glycerine suppository bc nothing was working! Then I took stool softener/laxative like 3 pills a day and now I am fine. But I feel for you...its the worst!
  • I have I even ate a whole half of a watermelon because that would always do the trick b4 I got preggo.. I am amazed with how long a doc will let u go without.. doesn't seem safe.. like for the colan.. or my poor tummy lol I've been drinking a lot of water but nthn.. my mil said drink apple juice.. idk tho..
  • You could also try drinking prune juice. It taste nasty but it works.
  • I'm having that same problem try drinking milk prune juice it works wonders
  • My doc told me that apples are the best to eat when you're constipated!! Also drink losts of juicey juice!!
  • Yes I feel your pain in 7 weeks and to my suprise I have regular but the first weeks omg I was backed up now I eat those prune things called Ones they are very good and u don't have to drink a whole nasty glass of prune juice. But the ones prunes work and also activia! Hope this help u
  • Gummy bears work as laxatives to small children so try eating a bag of them...that always worked for me...
  • PRUNES r really good actually. Young people thing there for old people but they taste pretty good. FIBER! CHOCOLATE ;) and lots of water. :)
  • I have a "green monster shake" every morning. It's 2 cups of fresh spinach, 1/2 banana and 1 cup almond milk, blend well for 90 seconds. It sounds gross but it's really good and keeps me flowing regularly ( :.
  • My way works for me. I sit for awhile and relax, not strain and rub my lower back.
  • PRUNE JUICE the best. And also try miralax its a powder you can mix it with water or juice it has no flavor and it works great. But ask the dr if it ok to take while pegnant
  • Suppositories are off limits to pregnant ladies! Unless a dr tells you in an extreme circumstance don't use them! The effects of the suppos can put you into early labor.
    That is what I learned in nursing school! I thought I would share it with you ladies, and I agree about the prunes! They are aweso/me and they work wonders. I even liked them when I was a kid!
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